Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions

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Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions

Here are the solutions to all the Bastorias treasure maps found in Unicorn Overlord. 

If you’re itching for some old-school tactical RPG gameplay, Unicorn Overlord is the perfect game for you. In this Atlus x Vanillaware creation, you get to build and control an army to liberate the continent of Fevrith from the clutches of the evil Zenoirian Empire.

On your travels, you’ll pass through many towns, liberating them, clearing side quests, and defeating the enemy army. It’s all pretty standard in most games of these genres. And while many of them can seem like fetch quests, some of these side activities can be quite rewarding.

If you’re a completionist, then one side activity that we recommend not sipping out on is the treasure-hunting quests. You’ll get your first set of treasure maps in Cornia, but as you move on, you’ll get more maps for each region.

Bastoria is a pretty late-game region that you can access after clearing both Elheim and Drakenhold. Like the other regions, you can find five more maps here.

In this article, we’ll give you the exact location for each of the treasure rewards in Bastoria so you don’t waste any time hunting them down. Let’s get started!

All Bastorias Treasure Maps in Unicorn Overlord

Like all the other regions, you first need to do a few things to unlock the Treasure Maps in Bastorias. You can simply liberate the town of Zatagul Harbor and sail to the Quarry. Alternatively, if you don’t want to use the boat, you can build a bridge to cross over using 30 Bastrite Stones.

Once you’ve completed the prerequisites, you will get the option to mine the Quarry for resources. Here’s a pro tip – mine in the darker patches of earth where the other miners are digging. Mining in the snow won’t get you any drops. 

After you’ve got all the maps, head to these locations to pick up the rewards for each map:

1. Bastorias Treasure Map #1

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions


To get the first treasure, fast-travel to the town of Tem Vakran Harbor and take the boat. After coming off the boat, head west into the thick snowy forest. Your treasure will be waiting for you on the western edge of the forest. 


  • 8000G War Funds
  • 1x Miracle Fruit
  • 1x Moonlight Shield

2. Bastorias Treasure Map #2

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions


For the next treasure, travel to the Level 26 Advanced Sigil in the region. Start moving west until you reach a point where three rivers meet. The treasure will be located on the side near the patches of grass.


  • 8000G War Funds
  • 1x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Silver Goblet

3. Bastorias Treasure Map #3 

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions


The third Bastorias Treasure Map’s solution can be found near Silphakom Town. So fast travel to the town center and start heading west until you reach the broken down wall. From here, move up and get to the base of the mountain. You’ll get the prompt to Examine for the treasure. 


  • 8000G War Funds
  • 1x Miracle Fruit
  • 1x Woodpecker

4. Bastorias Treasure Map #4 

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions


The fourth treasure is a pretty easy find as it’s located directly north of Zatagul Harbor. From the town center head up and to the right you’ll notice some floating ice sheets. The treasure is located near the shore.


  • 8000G War Funds
  • 1x Dew of Illusion
  • 1x Magia Soul

5. Bastorias Treasure Map #5

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions


The final treasure in Bastorias is located near Vosfraga Town. You want to head northwest from the town center, moving through the forest until you see a mountain on your right. You’ll also see some patches of grass. Move near the grass, and you’ll find the fifth and final treasure.


  • 8000G War Funds
  • 1x Miracle Fruit
  • 1x Ancient Crown

The Treasure Maps in Unicorn Overlord can get you some pretty nice items and weapons. The War Funds that you get from tracking down each treasure are also worth the effort. 

For more treasure-hunting help in Unicorn Overlord, be sure to check out ESTNN!

Unicorn Overlord All Bastoria Treasure Maps Solutions
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.