The 5 Best Twitch Livestream Raids Of All Time
| Tags: Streaming
| Author Thealchemist

Twitch is a very fun community where popular streamers raid others to help them. Hence, here are the 5 best Twitch livestream raids of all time
Besides being the world’s leading live-streaming platform and gaming community, Twitch is also a very fun and wholesome community. In the community, there is an array of streamers ranging from one on the top to one who is just starting and has barely any followers. This dynamic can be quite daunting because it is a tough competition of having to be entertaining to gain viewers on one’s channel. For this reason, many popular streamers do interactive live streams where they “raid” smaller streamer’s live streams with viewers. Raids are done by popular streamers' communities, where they go to another streamer’s broadcast as a group and give them views. Hence, here are the 5 best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Neebs Gaming raids PrettyPh3nom’s livestream
Credit: @Pretty Ph3nom on YouTube
Neebs Gaming is a group of friends who are a gaming and gaming-based music group primarily on YouTube. There are a total of five main members alongside editors, animators, musicians and other crew members. Their names are Brett “Neebs” Triplett, Jon “Appsro” Ethco, Nate “Doraleous” Panning, Bryan “Simon” Mahoney and Tony “Thick44” Schnur. While they are all a part of the group's YouTube channel, some of the members also have their personal YouTube channels. They are best known for their gameplay series’ of various games such as Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV), 7 Days to Die, Subnautica: Below Zero, Stranded Deep and Minecraft. At present, they have 203K followers on their Twitch channel and 2.34M subscribers on their YouTube channel.
The Neebs group also does live streams on their Twitch channel and one of the most amazing things they do is, Twitch raids! One of the most memorable raids was the one they did on “PrettyPh3nom”, whose reaction was very wholesome. This makes it one of the best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Pokimane raids yeetitsnikki’s IRL livestream
Credit: @yeetitsnikki on Twitch
Imane Anys, better known by her internet aliases, “Pokimane” or “Poki” is a Canadian and Moroccan Twitch streamer, YouTuber and social media content creator. She began her journey as a streamer on Twitch’s platform in June 2013. Initially, she played League of Legends (LoL) on her live streams until she gained popularity and started creating more content. She gained popularity as a streamer in 2017 and became a Twitch partner in 2018 after a massive upsurge in her follower count. Currently, in 2023, Pokimane is the top most-watched female streamer on Twitch’s platform with 9.4M followers. She is best known for her gameplay live streams and interactive live streams where she hangs out with her large community of loyal viewers.
During some of her interactive live streams, Pokimane likes to do raids with her community on smaller streamers. For this reason, Pokimane decided to raid Nikki or “yeetitsnikki” who is an IRL streamer. Nikki ended up crying in pure shock and this makes it one of the best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Shroud raids Musician RessurectionFern’s livestream
Credit: @Shroud on Twitch
Michael Grzesiek, better known by his internet alias, “Shroud” is a Canadian Twitch streamer, social media content creator and YouTuber. He is a retired professional competitive esports player for the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). He is also a retired Valorant esports player and he played for the team, Sentinels. While he began streaming in 2011, he began full-time streaming in 2017 as a content creator for Cloud9. He is best known for being a skilled gamer who plays games such as CSGO, CS2, Valorant, Player'sUnknown Battleground (PUBG), Diablo IV, Rainbow Six Siege, Starfield, Lost Ark and World of Warcraft (WoW). At present, Shroud has 10.7M followers on his channel on Twitch, where he is included as a Twitch Partner.
Shroud also does interactive streams with his large viewer community where he does raids on smaller streamers. Once, he initiated a raid on a musician plus streamer, “RessurectionFern” who ended up crying and thanking Shroud for helping her pay her medical bills. This makes it one of the best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Ninja raids streamer WE4ZY and his kid’s livestream
Credit: @WE4ZY on Twitch
The most-followed Twitch streamer right now with 18.6M followers is none other than the Fortnite gamer, Richard “Ninja” Blevins. Before starting his full-time streaming career on Twitch with Fortnite gaming, Ninja was a professional competitive esports player. He used to play Halo 3 professionally for many teams, most recently Luminosity Gaming before he retired in 2018. He used to have a small number of viewers until he started playing Fortnite Battle Royale after its official release in 2017. It is believed that Ninja’s massive surge in popularity goes hand in hand with Fortnite Battle Royale’s massive success as a video game. Alongside his regular streams, Ninja is also known for doing interactive live streams where he talks with his fans.
He also does raids with his community to help support smaller streamers on Twitch. During one such instance, he raided a streamer named “WE4ZY” who was overjoyed and even brought his son in to see the viewer count, which was so wholesome and this makes it one of the best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Ludwig raids TheExec’s livestream with Twitch Prime subs
Credit: @ludwig on Twitch
Ludwig Ahgren, better known simply as “ludwig” is an American and French live streamer, YouTuber and social media content creator. He began his career as a streamer on Twitch in 2018 as a part-time career. At the time he was doing gameplay live streams and he started gaining popularity for his hilarious dialect and magnetic personality, which made him start full-time streaming in 2019. His career took a turn when he set the world record for Mario Party 4, the button-mashing game being faster than a speedrun bot. Yet what really made Ludwig the popular streamer that he is today is his subathon event from 2021. At present, his primary content mostly focuses on reaction and commentary live stream content.
During his Twitch streaming days, he used to do raids with his community to support smaller streamers. During one such instance, he raided streamer “TheExecs” with a Twitch Prime subs raid and completed his sub-goal within minutes of starting it. This makes it one of the best Twitch livestream raids of all time.
Needless to say, Twitch raids are not only fun for communities to do as a group, but they are also very wholesome. It is amazing that popular streamers use their large community of viewers to help smaller streamers gain an audience. It helps a small streamer gain viewers and subs, which kick-starts their career on Twitch’s platform. Not only that, it also attracts more viewers because being acknowledged by a popular streamer means a lot. Streaming in general is a career that requires a lot of sacrifices and time to establish. For this reason, a little extra help is always welcome but also sometimes needed. Hence, make sure to check out the 5 best Twitch livestream raids of all time!