T1 Wins Worlds 2023 Final in a Victorious 3-0 Landslide

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T1 Wins Worlds 2023 Final in a Victorious 3-0 Landslide

The LCK legends broke their 6-year curse in a stunning series win against Weibo Gaming in the Worlds 2023 finals. T1 Wins Worlds 2023 Final

All hail the kings!

Faker and his team bounced back from their big loss last year and came first in a phenomenal World Championship victory years in the making. Since the T1 reign ended in 2017, T1 became a team known for always falling short of a big win. And against all odds and deafening sentiments for an LPL victory, Faker and his team made their ultimate comeback instead.

T1 Wins Worlds 2023

T1's season had a rocky start in the LCK. Gen.G's dominance kept Faker and co. from claiming a domestic title in 2023, and when their star player suffered a wrist injury back in June, their roster couldn't even make it to the top 3 of the Summer split. But this was T1, and after Faker returned to the Korean roster, they eventually scored enough to qualify for Worlds' Groups stage.

Like a phoenix slowly rising from the ashes, T1 slowly regained their composure on the international stage. Despite an early loss from their domestic rivals, Faker and co. took a flawless victory against Cloud9, and used that momentum to catapult to the front of placements. There, 3 of the best Chinese rosters stood in their way, but nothing was going to stop them. With only 2 losses throughout Worlds, T1 blazed through the titans of JDG in a momentous semifinal and beat Weibo Gaming in a 3-0 series for the 2023 Summoner's Cup.

The best-of-five series between T1 vs WBG started in applause as Oner and co. picked off-meta champs they were famous for in past tournaments, while WBG played things safe in their draft. And despite Weibo getting first-blood over Faker, the LCK's last hope were still able to clinch a complete turnaround. The second game was even more of a commanding victory. Read everything about T1's momentous win in our WBG vs T1 recap here.

T1 Wins Worlds 2023
Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

A huge congratulations to T1, a team that kept finding new ways to evolve past the competition. Is this the start of a new T1 reign? Only time will tell. However, T1 will go down history as the kings who reclaimed their former glory in powerful and unyielding fashion. All hail the kings!

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T1 Wins Worlds 2023 Final in a Victorious 3-0 Landslide
Paul Goño
Paul started writing for ESTNN in 2022, the same year he beat his first Souls game. An avid fan of RPGs, his all-time favorites include Baldur's Gate 3, Assassin’s Creed and Kingdom Hearts 2. Besides being a professional nerd, he still struggles to get over the broken PS2 memory card that stored years of his save files.