Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves: Can Ubisoft Dethrone Rare’s Pirate Title?
| Tags: Features
| Author The Old One
Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves is shaping up to be a genre-defining debate, but can the Ubisoft title offer a richer buccaneering adventure than its Rare counterpart?
Skull and Bones didn't have a clear direction at its inception, but since Ubisoft solidified its vision, it's become one of the most anticipated titles in recent years. This multiplayer pirate game aims to rival the genre leader, Sea of Thieves. After Rare enjoyed a largely uncontested run in the space, Skull and Bones is poised to shake things up.
Can it match or even surpass the bar set by Sea of Thieves? Our Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves breakdown explores whether the multiplayer pirate genre is due for a change of the guard.
Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves: What Are The Key Differences Between The Two Games?
While both are pirate games sharing core similarities, Skull and Bones carves its own identity within this niche genre. It avoids being a direct copy of Rare's Sea of Thieves with significant differences in gameplay and other aspects. Here are the Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves differences that draw a line between the two titles:
The most striking contrast between the two games lies in their portrayal of realism. Sea of Thieves embraces a whimsical, cartoonish aesthetic, captivating many players with its inherent charm. From restoring health with bananas to serenading vanquished foes while plundering their treasure, the creators’ ingenuine sense of humor shines through the game.
The lighthearted pirate shenanigans are an indispensable part of the game’s charm as they make the game more accessible and fun to play. Skull and Bones, on the other hand, opts for a more realistic depiction of the pirate lifestyle.
Credit: Rare
Skull and Bones' graphical fidelity immerses you in its grounded tone and transports you straight into the shoes of a pirate roaming the vastness of the sea. This deliberate choice, which stands in stark contrast to Sea of Thieves' goofy aesthetic, could prove to be a smart move. The game's tone will help build its own fanbase and attract Sea of Thieves players looking for a different seafaring experience.
Credit: Ubisoft
While Sea of Thieves takes players on exciting treasure hunts through non-linear gameplay, Skull and Bones offers a different perspective. It takes a deep dive into the intimate details of everyday pirate life and takes players through the grueling journey from a lowly “sea urchin” to an infamous kingpin.
One of Sea of Thieves' most significant flaws is its lack of depth. While the cheerful ambiance can be fun, maintaining long-term interest can be difficult without meaningful goals to chase. This is where Skull and Bones shines: it offers actual power progression beyond just cosmetic upgrades, providing players with tangible rewards for their hard work.
Your journey begins as a struggling pirate with a ramshackle ship and a handful of scrappy crewmates. As you progress, gathering money and infamy, you'll unlock a vast arsenal of ship and weapon upgrades. From cannons and mortars to various armors, the customization options are extensive.
Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves: Which Is the Better Game?
This is going to be a tricky question to answer. Sea of Thieves comes with a carefree, casual approach, while Skull and Bones prioritizes grounded realism. Neither choice is inherently “better,” as both offer unique appeals and can coexist in many players' libraries.
However, Skull and Bones delves deeper in specific areas, particularly its economy and progression systems. This depth could offer a significant advantage in the Skull and Bones vs Sea of Thieves race, but ultimately, time will tell which game sets sail to greater success.