Skull and Bones Caradec’s Bounty Map Location

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Skull and Bones Caradec’s Bounty Map Location

Some missions in Skull and Bones will ask you to find hidden treasures around the game map. Some of these missions may not be completed as they are not necessary for the plot, while others, however, will have to be completed. This is an example of the Skull and Bones Caradec's Bounty map, in which you will have to find the location on the map in order to continue the game. If you are having difficulty, then this is the right place for you. In this article, in fact, we will tell you how to find the place in question and complete this contract.

Where is the Skull and Bones Caradec's Bounty Map Location?

The first thing to do to get your hands on Caradec's Bounty is to head over to the Royal Burial Ground, which you can find on the west side of the Red Isle. If you have been there before, you're in luck because you can use the fast travel feature in Skull and Bones to zip right back there. Once you arrive, it's time to start searching for the bounty. You will need to check out two spots, but remember, the treasure's exact hiding spot is different for everyone.

Skull and Bones Caradec's Bounty Map

Here's where you should concentrate your efforts:

  • When you hop off the ship, go left and walk through a short corridor. You will find the treasure waiting for you just beyond the open area.
  • Alternatively, take a right when you disembark and climb up the stairs. Keep your eyes peeled for a small alcove on the right side, past a brick structure. That's where the treasure lies.

No matter where you find Caradec's Bounty, be sure to follow the on-screen instructions to dig it up. That's the final step in completing the High Seas Heist contract, and your reward will include Infamy, Silver, and a top-notch weapon for your deck. Before you set sail again from the Royal Burial Ground, you might want to equip that new weapon. Now you are ready to continue your journey in Skull and Bones by completing other missions or contracts, or simply dedicating yourself to exploration.

Skull and Bones Caradec’s Bounty Map Location
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.