Rise of the Ronin Fast Travel Explained
| Tags: Features
| Author Timo Reinecke

Here is everything you need to know about Rise of the Ronin Fast Travel. Learn how you get around Japan with ease.
Rise of the Ronin has been out for a hot minute and it is everything you could ask for if you're looking for a Team Ninja-branded open-world adventure. There are many modes of travel made available to you but Fast travel is the one that gets around the faster.
Here is everything you need to know about Fast Travel in Rise of the Ronin, how to unlock it, and what you need to look out for.
Rise of the Ronin Fast Travel Explained
Fast traveling in Rise of the Ronin is available as soon as you leave the tutorial. Once you've encountered the first Veiled Edge Banner, they'll serve as your fast travel points. It is as simple as picking them out on the map, hovering your cursor over them, and pressing the X button to travel there.

The Longhouse and other locations, mostly significant landmarks also serve as fast travel points that will unlock throughout your journey. Some of these fast travel banners also need to be unlocked by completing what is called “Public Order”. These are usually enemies that have to be dealt with before you can unlock the banner.
Alternatively, once you have a horse you'll gain access to an Auto-Run feature that'll have your horse charge toward the next objective by pressing the L2 button so you can take in the scenery.
And that is everything we got on Fast Travel in Rise of Ronin. For more on the PlayStation 5 exclusive action title by Team Ninja, make sure to keep an eye on our home page. And for extensive guides and coverage all around Dragon's Dogma 2 and the newest games stay tuned here on ESTNN