Put on Your Cowboy Hats the LCS Spring Finals is Heading to Texas
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author David Hollingsworth

Much like its LEC counterparts, the LCS has started off day one of the new Split by announcing the location of the Spring Split Finals. In the case of the LCS, that’ll see us head to Frisco, Texas at the Ford Center.
Tickets for the event will go on sale on February 21st with information available for fans from the 14th. Previous LCS Split Finals have seen us visit Detroit, St. Louise and Oakland.
Dallas Cowboys Chief Operating Officer Stephen Jones had this to say: “We are thrilled to partner with the City of Frisco in bringing one of the largest esports events in North America to Ford Center. As the esports industry continues to grow, including here onsite with Complexity Gaming, we will continue to create and host one-of-a-kind experiences for fans all over.”
The event will play host to the semifinals and final matches of this year’s Spring Finals. This is down to the new LCS 2020 format changes which sees changes to the Spring playoff bracket. The most notable addition to the LCS schedule is both the increase of game days and how they’ll utilize the Academy matches, which we saw for the first time this week with Academy Rush (it wasn’t good).
The new format will also see four LCS games each played on Saturday and Sunday with a final two games played on the new Monday Night League. The two Saturday and Sunday games will be followed by the one Academy game, a move surely aimed at retaining viewers from the main broadcast. This is the sort of TV schedule you’ll have seen for years in more traditional broadcasting.