Palworld Gunpowder: How to Get it

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Palworld Gunpowder: How to Get it

What would “Pokémon with guns” be if there wasn't the possibility of unlocking increasingly powerful weapons during your adventure in Palworld? Don't worry, because if you are a lover of firearms, the game meets your needs. As you explore the map and advance in level, you will have the chance to obtain better weapons and gunpowder, such as the Palworld Gunpowder. This material is definitely something you should keep in your arsenal, also because it can make things easier for you when you have to face more dangerous enemies, such as bosses in dungeons. In this article, therefore, we will tell you everything you need to know about Palworld Gunpowder and how to obtain it.

How to Get the Palworld Gunpowder

The first thing you need to know is that you won't be able to unlock this material until you reach level 20 with your character. For this reason, therefore, don't immediately think about how to obtain this material; first, think about how to reach that level (here are some tips on how to level faster). Once you are close to the necessary level, you can start thinking about what you need to be able to use the Palworld Gunpowder.

To unlock the Palworld Gunpowder, you will need to have a technology point. Once this is done, the next step to follow is to look for two Charcoal and a Sulfur. Furthermore, you will also need a High-Quality Workbench, unlockable at level 11, to create the Palworld Gunpowder. Although Gunpowder can be found in nature by defeating certain Pals (such as Tocotoco), you will soon realize that the best method is to create it using Sulfur and Charcoal.

palworld gunpowder

How to Farm Charcoal in Palworld

One of the two materials you need to create Gunpowder is Charcoal. Fortunately, this material is not difficult to find and you won't have to wait long before you can craft it since it is a recipe that you have in your inventory by default. To actually create Charcoal, all you have to do is burn two pieces of wood in the furnace. To make the entire process as efficient and automated as possible, you will need a Kindling Pal that can help you with this task.

You can decide to opt for any base where there is a Logging Site or a Lumber Mill if your base is located in an early game area of the map. As for the Kindling Pal, you can opt either for Foxsparks (very easy to find at the beginning of the game) or for Reptyro, in case you find yourself in an area where they are quite easy to find. The second option is the better one, not only because it is a more powerful Pal, but also because it is capable of creating Ingots and Pal Metal which you will still need to create ammunition.

palworld gunpowder

How to Get Sulfur in Palworld

We have talked at length about how to get Sulfur in Palworld in this guide, so we won't go into too much detail here. The first thing you need to know is that at the beginning of the game, it will not be very easy to find this material. Our advice is to head to Mount Obsidian since there are some Sulfur deposits. Otherwise, if you like a little more challenge, there is also another option you can consider, namely dungeons.

The dungeons are not easy to tackle, so we don't recommend going into them if you are not prepared. The bosses are difficult to face and can kill you in the blink of an eye, but with the right equipment, you can prevail and reap some respectable rewards. Despite the difficulty of the dungeons, it is actually the easiest way to obtain this material since these places are rich in it.

Once you have obtained all the materials you need, all you have to do is combine them together to obtain your Palworld Gunpowder. In this way, you will have the opportunity to face increasingly powerful bosses and aspire to ever-better rewards. What are you waiting for? Explore the game world and become researchers and fighters who are not afraid of anything!

palworld gunpowder

Palworld Gunpowder: How to Get it
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.