Overwatch: Toronto Defiant Signs zYKK

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Overwatch: Toronto Defiant Signs zYKK

Toronto Defiant signs Thomas “zYKK” Hosono on a 14-day contract.

Thomas “zYKK” Hosono is joining Toronto Defiant for the May Melee tournament and the next two weeks in the Overwatch League.

Hosono is currently playing with Third Impact in the North America Overwatch Contenders. Over the five months he spent with Third Impact, Hosono and his team placed second in the Mayhem Winter Classic and ended up in the top tier of Overwatch Contenders North American Season 1.

The French player is a flex DPS, able to switch between hitscan and projectile heroes. He joins an already packed damage line, as the Toronto Defiant is home to four other DPS players. Lane “Surefour” Roberts and Andreas “Logix” Berghmans are the team’s hitscan specialists, while Brady “Agilities” Girardi handles all projectile heroes. The last DPS of Toronto Defiant, Liam “Mangachu” Campbell, also acts as a coach in the team.

A few days ago, Roberts stated on his stream that he wasn’t feeling well lately. The signing of Hosono could be a way for Toronto Defiant to try out the player, while letting Roberts enough time to consider his future in Overwatch.

Hosono is the third player from the Overwatch League on a 14-day contract. Hyeon-Woo “JJANU” Choi and Chung-hee “Stitch” Lee also have the same time-bound contract with Washington Justice.

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Overwatch: Toronto Defiant Signs zYKK
Ophelie Castelot
Ophelie is both an esport and journalism lover. She is the former head of the CS:GO section for a major esport website. Ophelie has been analyzing Overwatch ever since its release in 2016.