Overwatch League Ranks #3 on the SBD Hottest Sports Properties List
| Tags: Overwatch
| Author Corey Pollack

The November 26th Reader Survey, Teams and Leagues on Sports Business Daily had some interesting results. The readers voted Overwatch League (OWL) as the third hottest sports property of 2018. The NBA and NFL lead the list respectively. Some notable leagues that the OWL surpassed include the MLB, NHL, MLS, NCAA and UFC. The OWL was only 1% behind the NFL for #2 on the list.
The full list can be seen here:
The Rise of esports and the success of the Overwatch League Grand Finals was listed as the 6th “biggest sports business story of the year”.
The Overwatch League also ranked #9 for “If you worked for a brand, which sports/properties would you most want your company aligned with?”
Source: SBD