Nightingale Patch 0.1.2 Major PC Fixes
| Tags: Features
| Author Paul G

Nightingale Patch 0.1.2 has dropped and it comes with a lot of bug fixes and key adjustments after the latest server maintenance check.
It's barely been a week since Nightingale's last Early Access patch. While the previous patch removed network disconnection issues and quality-of-life nags, this update looked at progression blockers, building improvements and much more. Creatures will spawn in their proper place now, and fixes for reclaimed crafting issues are still underway.
Here's everything included in the latest Nightingale patch notes.
- Fixed: Various Audio/VFX crashes.
- Fixed: Essence trader purchase crash.
- Fixed: Rare crash handling audio events.
- Fixed: Rare server crash when completing quest objectives.
- Fixed: Various other desktop crashes to improve overall stability by 10%.
- Fixed: Creatures should no longer spawn into inaccessible areas in instances of the Bastille of Might Arena.
- Fixed: Sun Giants no longer unlocks Sanctuary Focus.
- Fixed: Removing Recruitable marker on the map no longer dismisses the NPC when using a gamepad controller
- Fixed: Character at Nellie’s Camp no longer has an accidental wardrobe malfunction
- Fixed: Climbing picks should no longer cause the player model to vibrate
- Fixed: Quick clicking on the invite button should no longer lock people out of parties
- Fixed: Exploit that was allowing players to cheat the stack count when dropping items
- Fixed: Resolved a bug related to character faces causing unintentional bumpiness in the lighting – faces should look smoother as a result.
- Fixed: Eyes for some preset archetypes should now more closely resemble their original art.
- Fixed: Dragon's Hoard Eminent Minor Card’s description now match its in-game effects.
- Improved: If a player’s Respite Realm is detected as The Watch, the player will be relocated to their first Abeyance Realm when re-logging into the character.
- Improved: Additional activities now reset the AFK timer, such as fishing and starting/canceling crafting
- Improved: Essence Trader shop offers should now expand and collapse properly.
- Improved: Swamp Apex Vault is brighter
- New: Using the “Help I’m Stuck” button should now always reset the player to the default starting location in The Watch
- New: You can now copy, move and destroy small structures via Build Mode.
- New: Can now craft Charm Braid (Mind)
- New: Players can now “quick stack” items into chests
- New: Added existing hazards to Biome Realm Card descriptions
- New: Active Minor Cards now show in the F2 debug screen
- Stamina now starts to regen as soon as tool swing is finished
- Reduced Dodge Stamina Cost (15->10)
- Dodge distance reduced (5 meters >>> 4 meters)
- No enemy tracking while dodging
- Knockback immune while dodging
- No airborne stamina regen
- One-handed weapons now consume (4 stamina >>> 3 stamina) per swing
- Two-handed weapons now costs 6 stamina to swing
- Halved Stamina cost of Climbing, Swimming, and Gliding
- Removed Stamina Cost on Blocking hits
- Significantly reduced Stamina Regen while blocking
- Repair costs now adjust based on the damage % of items
- Lustrous Ink can now be used as Vibrant Ink
- Removed reclaimed recipes that allowed for stat stacking
Nightingale Patch 0.1.2 Known Issues
These are outstanding issues that were mentioned in today's patch notes. These bugs and QoL snags are currently being prioritized by the dev team, and will show up in future patches.
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