New Details on Fortnite Chapter 2: Map, Trailer, Vehicles, Abilities, POI’s
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor

Amidst all of the chaos surrounding the Fortnite Blackout, a leaked trailer for Fortnite Chapter 2 surfaced after the Epic Games title went dark. This confused fans as Epic Games removed all mentions of Fortnite from their website and all previous Tweets on the Fortnite Twitter account were no longer available. From the looks of it, Fortnite Chapter 2 is shaping up to be the return to form that fans have waited for. The leaked trailer gave us some insight as to what we can expect from a new chapter of Fortnite: Battle Royale.
Leaked Trailer Revelations
The video, originally posted by @SkinTrackerCom on Twitter, displays some noticeably enhanced graphics, amongst other things. This trailer confirmed the new map fans that had fans salivating based on the short 30-second Fortnite Chapter 2 leak. There appears to be a new fishing mechanic, as well as a diving mechanic. Another notable mechanic worth mentioning appears to be an ability for players to carry wounded teammates. In the past, players could only revive their teammates and could not carry them to safety prior to reviving them. The leaked trailer also validated the theory that boats would debut in the popular Battle Royale title. This theory arose due to the initial Italian Fortnite Chapter 2 app store leak from just a few days ago.
A Reddit user by the name of u/health_custom created a list of what to expect in Fortnite Chapter 2 based on the leaked trailer. The new map is without a doubt chief among the rest of the leaked features in Fortnite. Over 10 seasons, we’ve experienced variations of the same map and Epic Games has finally made a change in that regard. The boats should be interesting as well, considering players have really only experienced planes and other minor vehicles to this point in Fortnite: Battle Royale. The excitement level has reached new heights higher that we have not seen since the original Fortnite craze through the first few seasons. Their brilliant marketing tactics have the whole world talking, and both professional players and personalities are eagerly waiting to get their hands on Fortnite Chapter 2.
Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1 Full Cinematic
A full cinematic leaked in addition to the previously leaked Fortnite Chapter 2 trailer. Although this trailer revealed much less than its predecessor, there are some interesting tidbits worth. The cinematic further confirms the presence of a new map as well as the fishing mechanic mentioned previously. In addition to this are some new character skins that we have yet to see in Fortnite: Battle Royale. As more information trickles in, players can only wait at the mercy of Epic Games, who are taking their time with the roll-out of Fortnite Chapter 2. If nothing else, Fortnite Chapter 2 breathes new life into a game that desperately needed something to keep fans satisfied. It’s safe to say that Fortnite Chapter 2 intrigues even Fortnite’s biggest skeptics due to the marketing strategy, and the fact that it provides something new to experience altogether.
Fortnite Chapter 2: Map
Competitive Implications
With the recent announcement a new season of the Fortnite Champion Series, it’s worth discussing how these updates may effective the competitive scene. One of the updates worth noting in this instance is the ability to carry teammates. This will likely make reviving teammates much more viable than it was in the past. On top of this, the aforementioned Legendary chests, which will be a game-changer across all of competitive Fortnite. It is unclear how boats will factor into competitions, but rotations will be much easier with the ability to quickly navigate through bodies of water. All in all, we are simply waiting for the next step by Epic Games. Details and leaks are beginning to arrive, and we will have to wait and see how much the competitive meta changes with Fortnite Chapter 2.
Stay tuned to ESTNN as we provide coverage for all of the happenings surrounding Fortnite Chapter 2.