Most Frequently Picked LoL Champions In The LEC 2021 Spring Season

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Most Frequently Picked LoL Champions In The LEC 2021 Spring Season

Who dominated the LEC Spring Split?

With the LEC Spring season over and MAD Lions crowned as the new champions, we will go through the most frequently played champions during the season. Although there have been numerous picks and champions played throughout the LEC Spring split, there are a few consistent picks players across different teams depend on.

Most Picked Mid Lane Champion

The most popular mid-lane champion this LEC season was Orianna – the impressive solo carry. It's no surprise either, throughout every meta, she's always a reliable choice. The champion was picked by players such as Felix “Abbedagge” Braun Marek “Humanoid” Brázda, who both have an excellent win rate percentage across several games. Other popular choices for mid-lane were Syndra and Azir.

Most Picked Jungle Champion

A favorite champion for players in the Jungle position this season was Lilia, and the main reason for that wasn't because she is new, but because of her unmatched movement speed. Her kit allows her to successfully keep her distance from any melee champions and dominate many matchups. Although many different players picked her, she was a favorite of Kacper “Inspired” Słoma, who has a win rate of almost 67%. Other popular champions were Udyr and Hecarim.

Most Picked Top Lane Champion

In this category – Gnar takes the title. The little cuddly beast was chosen because of his high damage potential and ability to evade attacks. This character was picked during MAD Lions’ winning match at the Spring Playoffs final. The Lions also won in the Finals against Rogue, as a matter of fact. The character can be played with a tank, AD build, or a combination of both. İrfan “Armut” Tükek played him the most times and he won 50% of the matches where he played him (more stats here). Other popular champions were Gragas and Renekton.

Most Picked Bot Lane Champion

The most popular bot lane champion this LEC Spring season was the “Daughter of the Void” Kai’Sa. She was picked by Matúš “Neon” Jakubčík fourteen times and Elias “Upset” Lipp eleven times. She was also a top-pick for stars, like Rekkles (who recently joined team G2 Esports after being in their rival team Fnatic) and Hans Sama. Other popular champions for this lane were Xayah and Jhin.

Most Picked Support Champion

The top Support pick this season was Rell – the Iron Maiden. She is known for her tank abilities and strong resistances. She was a top pick for Zdravets “Hylissang” Galabov, who played with her ten times. A close second was the minotaur Alistar, who is a great pick for players supporting Jhin or Xayah, and he was a favorite of Erik “Treatz” Wessén playing for SK Gaming. Leona was the third most picked champion.

Corey Pollack
Corey is a team member of one of the world's largest esports organizations. Corey is also the founder of Wave Digital Media, one of Canada's 60 fastest growing companies. You can learn more about Corey via our About page.