Lords of the Fallen Ruiner Boss Guide

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Lords of the Fallen Ruiner Boss Guide

Continuing with the story of Lords of the Fallen, at a certain point you will be forced to cross the bridge located in Fitzroy's Gorge. However, the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner will rush at you to stop you from doing so and thus his boss fight will begin. Although he may seem like a slow boss in his movements, don't be fooled, as lowering your guard could be a decidedly wrong move. However, luckily for you, unlike the other bosses in the game, the Ruiner will only have one phase, so it will be slightly easier to defeat.

How to beat Ruiner in Lords of the Fallen

As we already said at the beginning of this article, the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner boss will come to you quickly and without you realizing it, so as to prevent you from crossing the bridge. In fact, even if in the distance you can see that the passage is actually free, running directly towards that destination is certainly not an option: you will necessarily have to defeat this boss before you can continue your adventure in Lords of the Fallen.

Therefore, the first move you will have to watch out for is precisely the one with which the Ruiner will come to you, as he will charge you, releasing a trail of lava behind him. In reality, this attack is quite predictable, so the right solution in this case is to dodge the attack to the left or to the right, the choice is yours as absolutely nothing changes in terms of effectiveness. This way, if you get the timing right, you will be able to get away without suffering damage.

After this initial attack, the boss will begin to use his ax to attack you, with increasingly longer combos as the battle progresses. However, with the right timing and a little practice, you should be able to parry these attacks, so that you don't get hit and, consequently, don't take damage. Keep in mind, however, that if you find yourself too close to the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner boss, he will occasionally use a kick attack followed by a lava explosion. And if the kick doesn't inflict much damage on you, the lava explosion does, in addition to inducing you into the fire status.

Lords of the Fallen Ruiner

Another thing to keep in mind as you progress through this fight against the Riuner is that he will be able to summon a totem by spewing lava right out of his shield. This is very important to know because it indicates that the boss has entered his aggro state, so his movements will be faster and his attacks will be more powerful, inflicting greater damage on you. Furthermore, also, pay attention to his swing attacks that he will use after summoning the totem, even if, in reality, they are quite simple to parry.

The shield that this Lords of the Fallen boss possesses is not only used to parry the attacks that you try to inflict on him, but also to create an explosion of lava, followed by the same that will come out of the ground. Finally, always in the event that the boss is in his aggro state, the Ruiner will make use of a lunge attack which will inflict significant fire damage, so we advise you to pay particular attention to this type of attack and to dodge it.

Ultimately, our general advice to get the better of this boss is to not attack from behind, as the boss will be able to parry all your attacks using his shield. Instead, our advice is to attack him from the back. In fact, as soon as the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner boss has finished performing one of his combos, there will be cooldown periods that you can use to position yourself behind him and hit him from that position.

Furthermore, another piece of advice to follow is to try to destroy the boss's totem as soon as possible, so that the boss is no longer in his aggro state and therefore his movements and attacks return to normal. Finally, as a final piece of advice, if you are in possession of objects that are able to cure the fire state or reduce it, do not be afraid to use them, as they could prove vital and really make a difference.

In conclusion, we can say that the key to defeating the Lords of the Fallen Ruiner is definitely patience. Against a boss like this who is able to parry most of your attacks, throwing yourself headlong at him is almost useless and everything will turn into defeat. However, once you have defeated the boss, you will receive the Ruiner Shield, the Ruiner Sleeves, and a Vestige Seed as a reward for your hard work.

Lords of the Fallen Ruiner

Lords of the Fallen Ruiner Boss Guide
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.