Lords of the Fallen Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho Boss Guide
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano

Continuing with your adventure, once you arrive at the bridge that leads to the Tower of Penance, you will discover that you will have to face another boss, the Lords of the Fallen Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho. This boss, fortunately for you, will not be very difficult to face, although you will have to pay attention to the poison he uses. In any case, in this article, we have decided to show you the best strategy to use to defeat this Lords of the Fallen boss.
How to beat Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho in Lords of the Fallen
As we have already mentioned, this is not a very complicated clash, on the contrary. Thanks to the fact that Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho has very slow movements and attacks, you won't have to have any particular difficulties in defeating him. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention to some things or underestimate your opponent.
Our main advice is to make use of ranged attacks, so if you do not have this type of attack, equip yourself with weapons that allow you to do so. In this case, more than in others, equipping this type of weapon will allow you to make the battle not only simpler, but also faster. In fact, if you are in possession, for example, of arrows, you will be able to start hitting Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho as soon as you enter his arena and be able to take away even half of his health bar even before the battle really has start, since his attacks will be very slow indeed.
However, during the battle, you will have to pay attention to his grab attack. In fact, with this type of attack, he is able to completely lower your health bar, leaving you practically almost dying. Consequently, when you see that he is close to you, be careful not to fall victim to this attack and be ready to dodge it.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho is in possession of an Umbral entity that allows him to have a buff. The thing to do is to use your lamp to eliminate this entity and to make the whole fight even easier to deal with. Additionally, once you've lowered his health bar enough, Sanisho will fill the entire arena with poisonous gas. This poison will never dissolve, so you will have limited time to finally defeat the boss before you fall victim to this attack.
However, at this point, Sanisho shouldn't have much health left, so the thing to do is to be as aggressive as possible and deal as much damage as possible in a short time. Obviously, you will still have to always pay attention to his attacks, so land a few hits and then dodge his blows, so that you can't get hit and start hitting Sanisho again. For this reason, it is very important that at the beginning you use ranged attacks, so that you get to this phase with Sanisho who will have little health and therefore you shouldn't worry much about the poisonous gas.
Ultimately, we can say that the best strategy to defeat Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho is to make use of ranged attacks at the beginning of the battle, in order to simplify things a lot when the boss decides to make use of his attack composed of poisonous gas. Once you reach that point, dodge his attacks and counterattack to put an end to the fight. Once you defeat the boss, you will receive a Vestige Seed, a Carrion Knight Staff weapon, and a Carrion Knight Helm as a reward.