Lies of P Easiest Bosses, Ranked

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Lies of P Easiest Bosses, Ranked

Lies of P is certainly a difficult game to play, but that doesn't mean it doesn't offer some fairly simple boss fights to play. After having shown you which are the most difficult bosses to face, in this article, we will draw up a list of the Lies of P easiest bosses that you can face during your adventure. As in the case of the more difficult ones, even among the simpler ones, there are optional bosses that you can fight or not, it depends on the choices you make. However, some of these optional bosses are quite simple to deal with, so we couldn't not include them in this list.

Parade Master – 3.5/10

This boss appears with a huge mechanized puppet carrying a cage on his back. This is essentially the tutorial boss that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the game's controls. For this reason, it might seem quite difficult to deal with, but in reality, it is not. As with other bosses in Lies of P, this one also consists of a two-phase battle. During the first phase, try to stay as close to the boss as possible. This way you can avoid his sprint attacks. However, be careful of his slash or smash attacks which are quite static and easy to avoid. During the second phase, he will use his head as a weapon and his attacks will be less predictable. Even in this case, the best strategy is to parry or dodge the blows and then attack him.

lies of p bosses

Owl Doctor – 3.5/10

Once again we find ourselves faced with a Lies of P optional boss that you can decide to fight or not. In case you decide to do so, know that his way of fighting will not be new at all. In fact, his movements and attacks are very similar to those of the Mad Donkey, only a little faster. Furthermore, compared to the Mad Donkey, it will be a little more difficult to face due to the place where the boss fight will take place, which is certainly not generous when it comes to space management. However, to defeat him, use the usual strategy of dodging and positioning yourself behind him.

lies of p bosses

Red Fox – 3/10

She is Black Cat's sister. Also, in this case, you can decide not to face this boss fight based on what you have chosen as a dialogue option during your adventure in Lies of P. However, if you decide to fight Black Cat, you will also have to fight Red Fox. But don't worry: it's a fairly simple boss fight. His attacks are similar to another boss, Robber Weasel, although he is weaker. Also for this boss fight, the best strategy is to try to position yourself behind the opponent and hit her from behind.

lies of p bosses

The Atoned – 3/10

This is also an optional boss. You will have the possibility to skip it completely if you decide to perform the Stalker's Promise gesture (here in this article we explain in detail how to acquire all the Lies of P gestures). Consequently, it is up to you to decide whether to fight it or not. In case you decide to continue towards the fight, know that it is not a difficult boss fight to face. He is a fast boss, so the most effective strategy is, once again, to dodge his shots and position yourself behind him to hit him.

lies of p bosses

Black Cat – 2.5/10

Black Cat is another optional boss who will engage in combat against you based on the dialogue options you choose during your adventure in Lies of P. In fact, if you decide to give him a Gold Coin Fruit, this character will not it will be hostile and therefore it will not be possible to fight it. Otherwise, however, his boss fight will still not be difficult to deal with. In fact, Black Cat uses only one type of attack that can be parried, so rely on this technique to defeat him easily.

lies of p bosses

Puppet of the Future – 2/10

This is another optional boss that you can face or not in Lies of P. Despite his large size, he is a very weak and slow boss, therefore easy to deal with. To make your life even easier, before facing him, you can decide to eliminate the poison from the arena so that you won't have to worry about being careful not to poison yourself. Once this is done, the boss fight will be very simple indeed. Move continuously around the arena and perform quick attacks. The only thing to keep in mind in this fight is the patience factor.

lies of p bosses

Survivor – 2/10

Survivor is one of the optional bosses that are present in Lies of P (in this article you can find a detailed description of the path to take to find him). As you will see as soon as you meet him, he is a boss very similar to Mad Donkey, only he is slightly faster. Consequently, the strategy to use is more or less the same: dodge his blows to position yourself behind him and hit him from that position to inflict a large amount of damage.

lies of p bosses

Mad Donkey – 2/10

Mad Donkey is the boss you will encounter shortly after defeating Parade Master and will allow you to free Geppetto. Although he may seem intimidating at first, in reality, he is one of the Lies of P easiest bosses to face. All you have to do to get the upper hand is dodge his attacks and position yourself behind him to hit him from behind. With this technique, you will be able to defeat him quite quickly and easily

lies of p bosses

Lies of P Easiest Bosses, Ranked
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.