League of Legends: Top 10 Players in the LCS

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League of Legends: Top 10 Players in the LCS

The LCS is loaded with talent all across the board. There are legacy names from top teams that are continuing to play at the highest level and newcomers that are upsetting the status quo. As the teams gets closer to the post-season, there is more debate around how is truly the best. What better way to do so than with an LCS top ten players list?

It is important to note that the players on this list aren't necessarily in order. It is largely subjective and there are many honorable mentions. These players have demonstrated individual skill, an ability to play for their team or to straight up carry the team.

#1: Doublelift

LCS top ten
Photo via InvenGlobal.


Position: ADC

Team: Team Liquid

At the number one spot of this LCS top ten list is none other than Doublelift. Team Liquid's star ADC is the focal point of the team and is consistently the best ADC in the league. Because the team plays around him so much, he boasts the highest amount of gold of any player. This is at 10 and 20 minutes, as well gold per minute. It can be risky for teams to put so many resources into one player, but its not for TL. Doublelift carries his games hard, having the highest KDA and is tied for highest kill participation in the LCS. He trails behind only C9's ADC in damage per minute.

TL's rise to dominance since 2018 is largely due to Doublelift and he continues to be the strongest point on his team. Though they had a disappointing run in the 2018 World Championships, he was the MVP of the 2018 Summer Split and is regarded by many as the best bottom laner in North America.

#2: CoreJJ

LCS top ten
Photo via InvenGlobal.


Postion: Support

Team: Team Liquid

Some say that an ADC can only be as good as their support, and while that's not always true, having one of the best support players in the world certainly doesn't hurt. CoreJJ was part of the Samsung Galaxy roster that defeated SKT T1 in the finals of the 2017 World Championship. He joined TL this year and is another integral part to this team. He complements Doublelift perfectly and the two dominate the bottom lane. Out of lane CoreJJ is always setting up plays for his team, engaging big fights and enabling his carries to destroy their enemies. He also is tied for the highest kill participation percentage in the league at 80%.

CoreJJ is world-class talent and is another major reason that TL is number one. He enables not only Doublelift, but the whole team to thrive. There are other good supports in the LCS right now but CoreJJ stands out above the rest.

#3: Sneaky

LCS top ten
Photo via LoL Esports Flickr.


Position: ADC

Team: Cloud9

Sneaky, known for his LCS legacy, Twitch stream and great cosplay, is another stand out performer in the LCS. He joined C9 back in 2013 and is synonymous with the organization. He's been a part of and won multiple LCS titles and participated in multiple World Championships, with his most recent run being the best.

Sneaky isn't on this list only for his legacy though, his performance this split so far is stellar. He has the highest damage per minute in the league with only the third highest gold per minute. He doesn't receive the same amount of resources that Doublelift does, but he puts out more damage, which is impressive. Sneaky is a consistent carry for his team and isn't always the flashiest player, but is always dependable. C9 is currently second in the standings and Sneaky's performance thus far is a big reason for it.

#4: Froggen

LCS top ten
Photo via Esportshaven.


Position: Mid Lane

Team: Golden Guardians

Froggen returned to the LCS this year after taking some time from the professional scene to stream. Known for his unique champion picks, like Anivia, he is popular among fans. The Golden Guardians picked him up after two last-place splits last year and there has been noticeable improvement.

So far Froggen has proven he is comfortable on most meta picks and can pull out comfort picks like Karthus and Viktor. He is strong in lane and has high gold income. He consistently uses them to the fullest, having the fourth highest damage per minute. When the team plays around him he can use his leads extremely well and outperform his counterparts in the mid and late game. Golden Guardians is in the middle of the standings and will seek to utilize Froggen to push through for their first playoff appearance.

#5: Bjergsen

LCS top ten
Photo via Daily Esports.


Position: Mid Lane

Team: Team SoloMid

Bjergsen is as synonymous with TSM as Sneaky is with C9. He started on TSM all the way back in 2013 and has brought his team to win multiple split finals. He attended a host of World Champions as well and is historically hailed as one of, if not the best, mid laners in NA. Bjergsen is a consistent laner and carry in the late game. He is strong in lane and has high CS and gold numbers. In the middle and later portions of the game, Bjergsen is more than experienced enough to output high damage and carry fights.

Every long time fan of the LCS will know what Bjergsen is capable of, and will be looking forward to it. TSM is currently in third place with a decent two game buffer over the middle teams. They'll look to draw on Bjergsen's experience and expertise to propel them over TL and C9.

#6: PowerOfEvil

LCS top ten
Photo via Summoners Inn.


Position: Mid Lane

Team: Counter Logic Gaming

PowerOfEvil is another long time player, but has a history of mixed success. Notably, he was on the European Misfits roster that went toe-to-toe with SKT T1 back in 2017. He joined OpTic Gaming last year and was a big reason for many of their wins. His performance is similar this year for CLG, and he's a major reason for their current success.

PowerOfEvil is the only mid laner to have 80% kill participation, meaning he can constantly gain lane priority over other star mid laners and affect the map. He isn't given the same amount of gold as other teams' carries, but that doesn't stop him from pumping out damage. He claims the sixth top spot for damage numbers in the league. CLG is in the middle of the standings but can move on to playoffs with PowerOfEvil's guidance.

#7: Zven

LCS top ten
Photo via LoL Esports Flickr.


Position: ADC

Team: Team SoloMid

Zven, who was considered one of the best ADC in the west on G2 Esports, continues to impress on TSM. Like some of his teammates, Zven's history is filled with domestic success and Worlds appearances. TSM fans were disappointed by the team in 2018 but the team is on the rise.

This LCS top ten list wouldn't be complete without Zven because of his consistent play. He has the second highest damage per minute, even above Doublelift. Furthermore, his kill participation sits at 70%, exceptional for an ADC. TSM knows how to play around Zven in late game fights and its a major key to their success. He will be crucial to their post-season hopes and success.

#8: Licorice

LCS top ten
Photo via LoL Esports Flickr.


Position: Top Lane

Team: Cloud9

The second C9 player to appear on this list is their top laner, Licorice. He debuted in the LCS last year as a rookie and quickly made a name for himself. Domestically he was very strong, and even went to the 2018 World Championships. Here he helped C9 go to semifinals, which is the the farthest any North American team went since the Eastern regions were introduced.

Licorice is a versatile player and can play any style. His carry performances are fantastic and shows a willingness to innovate with picks like Hecarim and Sylas top. When he plays a tank, he shows no major weaknesses and contributes a ton for his team. He's not a rookie anymore, but he still impresses many. Licorice will play a big role as C9 try to take over the number one spot from TL.

#9: Santorin

LCS top ten
Photo via LoL Esports Flickr.


Position: Jungle

Team: FlyQuest

Santorin seeks to make splash this year and is definitely doing so. He isn't known for having a legacy of success, and has struggled on different teams in the past. Though not the flashiest player, Santorin deserves a place on this LCS top ten list for his contributions to his team.

The FlyQuest jungler is proving this split that he can stand up to the best. His early game impact so far is terrific and is a major reason his lanes are able to get leads. Santorin can play both carry and team-focused champions well, and if often a main initiator for his team's fights. Some of his games are worse than others, but he's a major reason FLY are successful so far. They will rely on him to push through the middle of the pack and make it into playoffs.

#10: V1per

LCS top ten
Photo via InvenGlobal.


Position: Top Lane

Team: FlyQuest

This pick may take many by surprise and is controversial, but V1per makes a strong case for being a top player. There were many worries about V1per coming into the split, but FlyQuest's top laner is shutting them down. He was most known for reaching rank one on Riven in Solo Queue and consistently hitting Challenger since Season Three. He joined Team Liquid Academy last year, where he found decent success. FlyQuest picked him up this year and he is definitely delivering.

He demonstrated in the beginning of the split the ability to play front line and meta champions. Recently, he has debuted his iconic Riven pick and dominated LCS matches. FLY sits in the middle of the pack but recently was in the top three spot. They're likely to make playoffs and can rely on V1per's strong carry performances to make it so.

Do you agree with this list? Are there other players that deserve the top spots? Tweet at us with your thoughts, and subscribe to us on YouTube for more esports news and content.

Make sure to check out ESTNN's top ten LCK players too!

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Featured image via LoL Esports

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Brandon Sturak
Brandon is a writer and editor for ESTNN with a passion for esports. He writes about League of Legends and esports generally, providing analysis and commentary on both. He is a founding member of Niagara University Esports, while being the previous mid laner and Head Coach for the NU Esports LoL team as well. Twitter @GhandiLoL