LCS Week 2 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

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LCS Week 2 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap

Day 1 of the LCS Summer Split’s second week is concluded and here is a recap of all the games.

If you’d like to read more about the teams in the league you can read our LCS Power Rankings, which gets updated weekly.

Dignitas vs Cloud9


In the first game of Week 2, we finally have C9 with their intended roster, and they were fast to take objectives with a 6-minute drake. First blood came from a Dig dive at the top lane, but Jensen managed to trade 2 kills back by teleporting. Dig focused on the second drake while C9 ganked top to extend their early lead to 1k gold. We then saw a big dive from Dig, this time at bot lane, and they got a 3-for-2 to tie the game. During mid game fights, C9 struggled to play around Blue’s Azir and gave up a second drake and the first Baron.

However, Dig couldn’t siege well with their Baron, losing a dive and only getting one inhibitor. Then we saw Dig linger at the top lane and near C9 jungle, where they caught and after a great engage by Blaber C9 won the fight 3-for-0. Even with the Baron up, C9 decided to push for the end and even if it was a close call, it was enough to finish the game.

  • Teams: Dignitas – C9
  • Time: 33:49
  • Kills: 10 – 11
  • Turrets: 7 – 7
  • Gold: 59.4k – 60.6k
  • Dragons: 2 – 3
  • Barons: 1 – 0

100 Thieves vs Golden Guardians


The game started out with an early first blood at the top lane in minute three. It unexpectedly came from a top lane 1v1 from Licorice, but he played it greedy after and got killed back by the teleporting Ssumday. At minute six we saw another 1v1 kill again in the top lane with Ssumday getting his second kill. When teams traded first objectives, Herald for GG and drake for 100T, GG was in the lead by 250 gold. The top lane was very bloody as we saw another dive by 100T, but Licorice traded 1-for-1. Teams traded their second objectives the same way, except GG used second Herald to take two towers at the top lane for a 1k gold lead. The third drake fight was messy from both teams but 100T managed to win it 4-for-2 and got the Mountain Soul point.

At minute 26 we saw another drake fight. GG managed to stall the soul but lost the fight and 100T took a 2.5k gold lead. Teams spent the time between objectives at mid lane and fought the soul drake. 100T once again got 4-for-2 kills and the Mountain Soul but the lead is still 2.5k. Ablazeolive got caught and with Licorice splitting 100T got an easy Baron. After a top siege with Baron, they got nexus turrets but couldn’t end. One last fight for the Elder resulted in a 100T victory and they ended the game.

  • Teams: 100T – GG
  • Time: 39:07
  • Kills: 28 – 12
  • Turrets: 9 – 7
  • Gold: 76.8k – 70.1k
  • Dragons: 5 – 1
  • Barons: 1 – 0

TSM vs Team Liquid


The game started out with TSM having push in all three lanes, and also getting the first blood on Tactical around the fifth minute. A minute later both junglers gank bottom at the same time trading 1-for-1 but TSM had a 750 gold lead. Teams traded first objectives at 10 minutes, Herald for TSM Cloud Drake for TL, and the former had a 1k gold lead. We then saw a fight at the bottom river and despite being in a 3v4, TSM won it thanks to Spica’s triple kill, securing their first drake and 1.7k lead. Despite TSM’s good mid game plays at the top side of the map, Tactical was over-aggressive and got caught a couple of times which meant they couldn’t grow the lead over 2k. TSM got a Baron around 23 minutes after a drake fight, but they lost three members which meant they couldn’t push their lead more.

Even though Baron push didn’t go well, TSM found a good engage just after their buff ended. They got the mid inhibitor and their third drake, pushing the lead to 5k. Mia found another great Renata ult in the mid lane to win a 4-for-0 fight and they gave TL their first loss.

  • Teams: TSM – TL
  • Time: 28:52
  • Kills: 16 – 9
  • Turrets: 8 – 4
  • Gold: 56.8k – 49k
  • Dragons: 3 – 1
  • Barons: 1 – 0

Evil Geniuses vs Immortals


We saw a quick level one action in the game, with IgNar trading flashes with Inspired but no kills. First blood also came in early with Impact killing Revenge in a top lane 1v1. EG got the first Herald and ganked top once again for an early 750 gold lead. Revenge kept getting punished top lane, dying to a gank once again and losing his turret just before plates fell, EG lead got extended to 2.5k. During mid-game, the play slowed down a bit despite both teams looking for opportunities but EG’s lead kept growing to 3.5k. EG fought to stop IMT soul point around 21 minutes and got the drake despite 1-for-1 kills. EG got a pick on Kenvi but choose to go to Baron over drake, tough IMT contest was successful as PoE stole it with a Shockwave.

Still, even with the IMT Baron, EG was the proactive team and they engaged the opponent in the mid lane twice, winning the first fight but losing the second despite being in a 9k lead. IMT also got Cloud Soul after winning that fight, mostly thanks to Lost’s solo kill on Danny. At 34 minutes, Kenvi got caught recalling, leading to a successful EG Baron. Vulcan found a great engage bot lane leading to two kills and two inhibitors, ending EG’s Baron with a 12.5k gold lead. IMT then tried to fight for the Elder, but the lead is far too heavy and they lost both the fight and the game.

  • Teams: EG – IMT
  • Time: 40:05
  • Kills: 20 – 6
  • Turrets: 10 – 4
  • Gold: 76.3k – 63.8k
  • Dragons: 1 – 4
  • Barons: 1 – 1

Counter Logic Gaming vs FlyQuest


In the last game of the day, CLG was looking to continue their unbeaten record. Unfortunately for them, the early game was hard. Due to multiple cs leads and a FLY first blood, there was a 900 gold lead at 5 minutes. It got worse after a seventh-minute scuttle fight where FLY got three more kills and the first drake, extending the lead to 2k. But they recovered a little bit at the Herald, getting the objective plus two kills. Teams kept fighting at all three lanes and trading kills, but CLG came up on top with more kills and the first tower, leading to a 1k lead of their own, although FLY got the first two drakes. Despite CLG domination on the top side, FLY kept getting kills at the bot lane and they took their third drake at the 18th minute.

Mid-game is slowed down a lot with FLY getting picks here and there. But CLG took advantage of the moment and snuck a Baron around minute 26. Baron buff let CLG get an Ocean Drake to delay soul and extended their lead to 3k. CLG baited around the Baron at the 33rd minute and won a 3-for-1 fight. They pushed for the end but couldn’t while giving FLY the soul. With the Baron still on the table, FLY found an engage at the mid lane with Twitch’s stealth and got the buff after two kills. Despite being in a 2k deficit, Johnsun’s Twitch is too fed. FLY found another engage just before Elder and ace CLG to end their streak.

  • Teams: CLG – FLY
  • Time: 40:09
  • Kills: 11 – 18
  • Turrets: 9 – 7
  • Gold: 70.8 – 73.4k
  • Dragons: 2 – 4
  • Barons: 1 – 1

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LCS Week 2 Day 1 Summer Split 2022 Recap
Rohat Dicle Kılınç
Rohat is a writer mainly focused on the League of Legends esports scene, and an LCS hopeful.