How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

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How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

Pals get injured and eventually defeated when you’re clashing them in Palworld, and this article will show you how to revive a defeated Pal

Palworld is the new hype train that everyone’s riding, with the game taking over the Steam trending list by storm and taking over the no.1 spot, beating giant names in the gaming industry like Baldur’s Gate 3 or Elden Ring. Part of the game’s rise in popularity could be due to the fact that it’s strikingly similar to Pokemon. ‘Similar’ is even an understatement as some of the Pals look exactly like well-known creatures from the franchise we all love and grew up with.

And just like in Pokemon, your Pal buddies can kick the bucket and get defeated in the midst of battle (don’t worry, they don’t die). But unlike Pokemon, there’s no Pokemon Center or Nurse Joy that can get your Pals back on their feet. This is why this article has you covered, and we will be going over the ways in which you can revive your Pals.

How to Revive A Defeated Pal

How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

Source: The Escapist Magazine

In Palworld, there’s no Revive items, nor are there full restores that can take care of your Pals with the use of a single item, and the alternative is a bit more time-consuming unfortunately. So if your Pal gets taken down in a fight, the only way to restore their fighting spirit is to head back to your base.

To revive a Pal, return to your base and place your defeated Pals into the storage box. Once that’s done, you’ll see a timer pop up indicating how much time it’ll take for your buddies to get back up on their feet.

It takes 10 minutes to revive a Pal in the storage box. This is a considerable amount of time to wait, especially when the Pal is your strongest fighter or the fastest worker in the base. But so far, Pocket Pair hasn't introduced a new revive mechanic.

How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

Source: Pocket Pair

After 10 minutes, place your Pal back into your party to get them back into the fight. While this isn't the most convenient way to revive Pals in Palworld, big updates are coming soon. And with any luck, we'll be getting a better hospital for our fallen Pals soon.

Like reviving Pals, recovery items in Palworld can confuse new players. There are tons of consumables in the game, with their unique healing uses. So let's go through the list to see what they can do.

Healing Your Injured Pals

How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

Source: VideoGamer

If your Pal is simply injured but still hanging in there, there’s a few ways in which you can heal them:

  1. Simply being outside of combat and not taking any form of damage for a little bit of time will allow your Pals to slowly regenerate their health back to 100.
  1. Giving them food items, such as meat or berries to restore the HP they lost.
  1. Some Pals have skills that let them steal HP from enemies as they do damage (Life Steal). Currently, only Lovander and Felbat have this ability.

Curing a Sick Pal

How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld

Source: Dot Esports

Pals can also get sick, or in layman gaming terms, they can have status ailments. Like other games, there are multiple status ailments and each of these have a particular cure for them. Let’s go over and see what they are:

  1. Cold: Use Low-Grade Medicine Supplies.
  1. Depressed: Use High-Grade Medical Supplies.
  1. Fracture: Use Medical Supplies.
  1. Incapacitated: Place them in the Palbox.
  1. Sprain: Use Low-Grade Medical Supplies.
  1. Ulcer: Use Medical Supplies.
  1. Weakened: Use High-Grade Medical Supplies.

It’s important to note that all of these illnesses can be treated simply by putting them in the storage section, and they’ll recover after a short period of time, similar to reviving them.

If you’re in the open world and have no Pal Consoles available, then you can easily craft a temporary one with Paldium, Stone and Wood.

How to Revive a Defeated Pal in Palworld
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.