How to Get Tar in Enshrouded

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How to Get Tar in Enshrouded

Not all resources in Enshrouded are equally important or useful like Metal Scraps. There are resources, such as Tar, that will not be used on many occasions, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be familiar with them. It is important, in fact, that you also know how to get Tar in Enshrouded because there will be cases in which you will need this resource, so prepare yourself in time. However, don't worry because this resource is not very difficult to obtain; on the contrary. In this article, therefore, we will tell you how to get Tar in Enshrouded and how to use it.

How to Get Tar in Enshrouded

There are actually three different ways to get Tar in Enshrouded. The first is to make it yourself; the second is to obtain it by cooking; and the third will allow you to obtain it by exploiting campfires. In order to create it, you will need to have the Charcoal Kiln which will be unlocked once you have unlocked the Blacksmith. Once this is done, all you have to do is get hold of 30 Wood Logs and 6 Dirt so that you can get 20 Tar once the six-minute process is completed.

In case you don't want to take advantage of this method, you can always opt for the other two methods that we mentioned previously. In fact, if you decide to cook food for a little longer than expected, you will have the possibility of obtaining this resource. In practice, once you have approached the campfires and cooked some food, all you have to do is wait for the cooked food to transform into Tar to be able to obtain this resource.

Obviously, you must not in any way take the cooked food and put it in your inventory; otherwise, you will no longer have the option to place it on the fire again and you will not be able to obtain Tar. Consequently, simply leave it there until you see the icon on the screen that tells you that the food has become Tar. Furthermore, since any type of food can be transformed into Tar, we advise you to do this operation with foods that you can find in abundance, such as mushrooms, so as not to waste food resources unnecessarily.

Finally, the last way you have to get Tar in Enshrouded is to collect campfires that have gone out. Although the lifespan of campfires is quite long, there will come a time when they will no longer be usable. This will allow you to get a piece of Tar. Obviously, although you have the possibility of destroying campfires very easily, it is a practice that we do not recommend, especially because there are also other methods to obtain this resource. Campfires are certainly useful for other things, such as cooking and heating.

how to get Tar in Enshrouded

Enshrouded Tar Crafting Recipes

Now that you know all the ways there are to get Tar in Enshrouded, it's time to know why you should get it. What can you create with this resource? As we said previously, it's certainly not a resource you'll use all the time, especially when you're still at the beginning of your adventure, but there are some things you can build using it. Let's see together what they are.

  • Tarred Shingle Roof Blocks
  • Tarred Wood Blocks
  • Fireball Staff Charges

In short, as you can see, the Tar does not have great uses in the game, but it is still useful to know how to obtain it in case the occasion arises in which you need it. In fact, it is still possible that you use Tarred Blocks to construct your buildings or decide to use Fireball Staff Charges in combat.

how to get Tar in Enshrouded

How to Get Tar in Enshrouded
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.