How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

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How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Here’s a guide to complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked.

No Rest for the Wicked is a huge game, and even in its Early Access, there are plenty of things that you can miss out on. On our playthrough, we tried to hunt every crevice, explore every cave, and fight every enemy we could find to make sure we didn’t miss anything. Still, there were plenty of things that we couldn’t find on our first run.

Now, for an Action RPG game, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The devs reward exploration, and as you travel through the beautiful landscape of Isola Sacra, you’ll uncover nifty treasures in the most unexpected places. And it’s not only treasures that you’ll find. Sometimes, you might run across an entirely new quest.

The Potion Seller is a side quest in No Rest for the Wicked that’s entirely missable if you don’t trigger it. And since it gives you a new NPC for your main city, we recommend completing it the moment you get the chance.

In this article, we’ll give you a complete walkthrough on how to find and complete The Potion Seller quest in No Rest for the Wicked.

Where to Get The Potion Seller Quest

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

The biggest challenge of completing the quest is probably finding it. To trigger the quest, you need to first clear the first boss, Warrick, the Torn, and reach Sacrament. Once you head over to the Rookery Lodgings and rest, the quest NPC can be found.

To find the quest, you need to head over to Cerim Whisper fast travel point, which you found before the Warrick boss fight. From here, head towards the bridge that connects to Mariner’s Keep. But before crossing the bridge, look for a long ladder that goes down to the left.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Climb down the ladder and proceed to the left, and you’ll find an opening that leads into a cave. Walk through the cave, and you’ll come across a camp with the NPC Markos. Talk to him, and he’ll tell you he’s looking for something called Iona’s Flower. Your job is to recover the flower and bring it to him.

After talking to the NPC, you’ll get the pop-up notification for the quest, and you can move on to finishing it.

The Potion Seller Quest Walkthrough

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

After talking to Markos and activating the quest, head through to the cave. The thing you need will be at the end. The cave is pretty big and has a lot of ores that you can mine. That’s why we recommend bringing an Iron or Copper Pickaxe with you. You don’t want to miss out on all of these resources.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Drop down to the lower levels of the cave and walk forward, hugging the wall on the right. Collect resources as you see fit, and then climb up the rocks and walk to the end. You’ll come across a gap with vines sticking down on the other side. Run to the ledge and jump to grab the vine. You’ll notice another ladder going up. Climb up and roll immediately. There’ll be three enemies that you need to dispose of.

It’s best not to take all of them on at once as they can quickly overwhelm you. It’s best to keep your distance and attack only when you see an opening. But if you read our combat guide for No Rest for the Wicked, you shouldn’t have too much trouble handling them.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

After killing the three enemies, run to the northern edge. You’ll see vines going to the left and up. There’s also a platform for you to drop down on. Drop down and use the vines to get across. Proceed through the cave, and you’ll soon see a Cerim Whisper point close by.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

However, you don’t want to rush in. There are two more enemies that you’ll face soon. And if you’re not careful, they can push you to the lower platforms. Once you defeat them, run up and grab the fast travel point.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Now, proceed through the cave, and you’ll see a weird, white tree in the distance. You can just run up to it, and you’ll get the prompt to touch Iona’s Bloom.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

As soon as you touch it, the quest log will update, and your screen will start getting all blurry and weird. You’ll also start seeing ghostly paths instead of gaps that you can run across. Follow the path back where you came from and move as far as you can until you reach a broken bridge. Jump across and climb up the vines on your left.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Soon, you’ll run into more enemies, but they are way tougher. But you don’t need to fight them if you don’t want to. Just run past them. They can’t follow you.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Once you reach this position, get ready to run. You’ll have run across the ghostly path with enemies firing at you from the side. Run past them as fast as you can without slipping off. But the danger is not over yet. Once you get to the other side, you’ll face another elite enemy. You can run past him, too, if you’re low on health.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Simply follow the path, and you’ll soon reach the location in the image. The blurry effect will end at this point. Walk through the opening, and you’ll see a waterfall. Jump down.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Get out of the water. Run forward, and you’ll soon reach a ladder you can kick down to talk you all the way back to Markos.

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked

Climb down the ladder and talk to him to finish the quest. He will also reward you with a Medium Healing Potion for your efforts. Now, you can simply run back to Sacrament, and you’ll find Markos at his Alchemy store right across from Grinnich’s General Goods store. His Building Project upgrades will also be available the next time you talk to Danos.

As far as side quests go, The Potion Seller is a pretty interesting one. We hope our walkthrough could help you complete it without too much trouble. Good luck!

For more quest guides and tips on No Rest for the Wicked, make sure you check out ESTNN!

How to Complete The Potion Seller Quest in No Rest for the Wicked
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