How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia Guide

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How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia Guide

As you can imagine, in Palia, fishing is a very important activity that is necessary in order to proceed on your adventure. However, it is not as simple as it seems, especially when you want to hunt a certain type of fish.

In this how to catch Channel Catfish Palia guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about this type of fish and what you need to do to catch it. There are some things to take into consideration, such as what type of bait to use, but with our advice, you shouldn't have many problems.

How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia

The Channel Catfish is an uncommon fish found in rivers. In reality, catching this fish itself is not very difficult, especially if you use the right tools. The most difficult thing is figuring out where to find it. But let's proceed step by step. This fish can be caught during the day in the rivers of Kilima Village and does not even require a bait. It is found in different areas, but the most popular ones are the following:

  • Near Ormuu’s Horn
  • Phoenix Falls
  • South of Mirror Fields
  • Whispering Banks

As we have already said, you will not need a bait to catch this fish; indeed, the use of a bait will mean that other fish will come your way that, perhaps, at that moment, you do not want or need to catch. For this reason, fishing for this fish is not complex, especially if you are familiar with this type of game.

How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia

However, in case you have any difficulties, you can always make use of some useful advice. For example, you can equip the Minor Health Boost accessory, eat Fish Stew, and get Fisherman's Brew. These items are all very useful for increasing your fishing performance and giving you a greater chance of success when fishing for Channel Catfish. Furthermore, you can also opt to fish in areas where other players are also present; this, in fact, seems to simplify the process.

Finally, we can also give you further advice. In fact, there is a specific moment in which to act to be successful in fishing. When a fish first bites your hook, you have a short time to reel it in before it gets away. In that time, you can tell if it's the fish you want, like a Channel Catfish. If it's not, let it go and quickly reel in your line to try again. Doing this might get you a different fish without wasting time. If you don't try again right away, you will probably end up catching the same fish you saw before.

As for the price of this fish, if you decide to sell it once you have caught it, you will be able to earn 47 gold; if it is star-quality, you will be able to get 70. Furthermore, you can also use the Channel Catfish to cook Fish Stew or Grilled Fish, both meals that allow you to get a focus boost.

How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia

How to Catch Channel Catfish Palia Guide
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.