Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide

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Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide

There are a lot of NPCs in Granblue Fantasy: Relink but none like Historiath, the head of Mellose Monastery. Hence, here’s how to complete Chapter 5.

As we all know, Grablue Fantasy: Relink has 12 Chapters which make up the whole storyline of the game. One of the most important chapters in the game is Chapter 5: Shadows in the Snowscape.

In this chapter, players are introduced to the new NPC, Historiath. Historiath’s chapter is filled with lots of action and can be hard to beat without knowing what you have to do. Here is a full guide on Chapter 5 with Historiath in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.

Historiath in Granblue Fantasy: Relink – Chapter 5

As mentioned before, Historiath appears in the fifth chapter of Granblue Fantasy: Relink. She is an NPC, who is the head or overseer of the Mellose Monastery. When you meet her, she helps you and your crew reach Lyria, who has been kidnapped by the Church of Avia. While she opens the gates, you and your crew’s job is to protect her in order for the incantations to be cast properly. 

Here is how to complete the whole story of Chapter 5 with Historiath in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.

Reach the Mellose Monastery

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

After starting the quest, you will find yourself in Mt. Neigelith, Leautagne Island, specifically in the Snowquilt Ravine. Head straight ahead through the snowy path in the blizzard and you will find a giant ice wall blocking your path. Break that and proceed forward until you reach the second ice wall and break it similarly.

However, this time take precautions and jump back, away from the Red Marked area that the game will show, as that is where the whole ice wall will fall and can damage you. 

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

After that, proceed forward until you see the lights of the Monastery and take a left turn. Here, you will come face to face with a new foe: Frozen Skeletons. You can defeat them normally or use the ice pillars nearby to smash them but stay well clear of the Red Marked areas after breaking the pillars. After defeating them, proceed forward until you see snowy steps.

Here you have to defeat another round of Frozen Skeletons before going up the steps and taking a right turn to more steps and…you guessed it, more Frozen foes. 

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

Hence, after defeating them, head straight ahead until you reach a bridge leading to the Mellose Monastery. Before stepping onto the bridge, make sure to interact with the Hallowed Ground located to the immediate left of the bridge and lock in your checkpoint.

Boss Fight: Nazarbonju

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

After stepping onto the bridge and moving forward, a cutscene will play where you will meet the people from the Church of Avia. In a not-so-friendly way, they will advise you not to continue the quest and break the bridge underneath your feet, dropping you straight down to the hollows below.

Once the crew regains their balance, you will immediately be thrown into a Boss Fight with Nazarbonju, a frost-based ill-omen creature, whose body consists mostly of a rather large eyeball. It is weak to Earth and mostly deals with frost-based attacks, which come out during Overdrive i.e. when the Boss’ HP gauge is filled up and glowing yellow. 

It has two deadly attacks including Glacial Tomb, where he shrieks and drops a huge block of ice on the ground with a few spare ice chunks from nowhere and Freeze Ray, where he charges up briefly then shoots a projectile ray of ice and then spins around, still shooting the ray of ice.

During this attack, the trick is to hide behind the previous blocks of ice that he summoned. After a brief few seconds of spinning, Nazarbonju stops and drops to the ground, vulnerable for a while, which is when you should take the chance and damage him as much as possible. 

You can also use the ice blocks to your advantage by breaking them after leading him to them and making him stagger. When he is vulnerable and staggering from the blow, you can land a counterattack on him and do some heavy damage.

Horde Fight: Cyaegha

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

Continue your path back to the Monastery by going straight ahead and taking a sharp right turn, to reach an ice wall, break it and move forward. You will not only come across a few more giant ice walls while trying to reach the surface, but you will also have to fight more Frozen Skeletons and a new foe: Cyaegha. Defeat those and move forward following the waypoint marker to reach the now broken bridge.

Then, make your way to the right side of the broken bridge to find another bridge leading straight to the Monastery. Head straight to the door to the Monastery, until you are stopped by a horde of Cyaegha. Keep fighting them until Ice Sigils show up in a circle around the area. Then, you will meet Historiath.

Protecting Historiath

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

As soon as the Sigils show up, a cutscene will begin introducing you to Historiath. She will first be cold towards you until she realizes you’re Rolan’s acquaintance, upon which she will agree to help you and start leading the way to the Tredame Sanctum. After opening the first gate, she will lead you to the second where you have to protect her while she incants by defeating the foes. 

Boss Fight: Scarmiglione

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

After Historiath leads you through the second gate, you will reach the third leading to the Felfrost’s Altar. Here, a Boss Fight against Scarmiglione will start, who is a large Frozen Skeleton that can summon minions. He has a Mode bar which makes him go into Overdrive, so deplete that by attacking aggressively with Link Attacks. He pauses briefly after every attack, so lead him to the bridge and attack him during that pause to do significant damage.

Boss Fight: Id and Managarmr

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
Credit: @Gamer's Little Playground on YouTube

After that fight ends, you will go inside the Felfrost’s Altar with Historiath to meet Lyria who seems different. A cutscene will commence, introducing you to a future recruit we all love, Id. After the cutscene ends, you will have to fight Id for some time and the best way to do that is by attacking his back while circling him and when he goes high up in the air, steer clear of the area. Once Id stops attacking and another cutscene interrupts, get ready to fight the actual Boss, a large icy wolf, Managarmr. 

Managarmr Boss Fight

The best way to defeat him is by attacking from the sides and using the large ice blocks he summons to stagger him, using that opportunity to do heavy damage. During Overdrive, he will briefly turn invisible and white spots will freeze players when triggered, so beware. Make sure to dodge him quickly to prevent being knocked down or cornered. 

Once the fight and the cutscenes are over, route your airship back to Seedhollow and with that, you complete Chapter 5!

Also, check out our guide on how to finish the jobs Rolan started in Chapter 0: Skybound Heart with full details. Stay tuned for more such articles from ESTNN

Historiath Granblue Fantasy Relink: Chapter 5 Full Guide
The Old One
When he's not sighing at sub-standard teammates in Dota 2 and CS2, The Old One is writing about those two games (among other things). If you see his name around the site too many times for your liking, well, the guy just never stops writing. Yes, we've tried an intervention.