Golden Guardians vs PSG Talon Preview: MSI 2023 Play-In Stage
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Rohat Dicle Kılınç

GG vs PSG will determine the last team to qualify for the Bracket Stage of MSI 2023.
Only one more matchup left before we close out the Play-in Stage of the 2023 Mid-Season Invitational, Golden Guardians vs PSG Talon. Winner of this series will join BLG, G2 Esports and the five other already qualified major region teams in the Bracket Stage, which is scheduled to kick off next Tuesday, May 9.
For the readers who aren’t all that familiar with the teams, you can read our individual team previews on Golden Guardians and PSG Talon.
Golden Guardians vs PSG Talon Preview
Golden Guardians
Golden Guardians had already impressed audiences with their play during the LCS Spring, and now they are taking it a step forward on the international stage. Since their first series in London, GG has been one of the most exciting teams to watch during MSI.
They showed a lot of creativity in their drafts, utilizing multiple pocket picks. While some of these champions misfired, like the Morgana pick against BLG, picks like Yasuo, Sett or Nocturne proved themselves useful.
GG is also the team with the lowest average game time. The games they won against the minor region teams never went past the 30-minute mark. Considering the slow-paced approach of PSG, GG’s early game and snowballing ability should be a good advantage.
PSG Talon
Even though they only played three series so far, PSG Talon had a bit of an up-and-down MSI. They looked almost completely lost against G2, but they played a lot better against LOUD and DFM. But even in their wins, PSG’s biggest problem was their reluctance to force objectives. Most obvious example of this was against LOUD when they were ahead 4k gold and got a pick on the enemy jungler, but decided not to take the Baron in a 4v5.
One consistent factor for the PCS representative so far has been their ADC. Wako is no doubt the main carry of PSG Talon. He somehow managed to get his hands on Aphelios in five out of his six games, winning four of them. There is a big chance GG will target ban him tomorrow, but Wako has a deep champion pool and he will be the main win condition for PSG Talon.
Golden Guardians vs PSG Talon Predictions
While PSG Talon had some impressive games, their only wins came against minor region teams which Golden Guardians outright stomped on their side of the bracket. PSG is definitely stronger than GAM or R7, but GG still should be able to get a comfortable win. 3-1.
How to watch Golden Guardians vs PSG Talon
Fans can watch the event on the official LoL Esports website for the chance to earn exclusive drops from Riot, which will be available throughout the whole event. Or you can catch the action on Riot Games Twitch channel and the LoL Esports Youtube channel.
For more of our coverage during MSI 2023, follow us on ESTNN.