Genshin Impact Ascension Materials for Gaming

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Genshin Impact Ascension Materials for Gaming

Here is a list of all the Ascension Materials for Gaming in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact’s vast roster of characters has new additions for 4.4, and one of them is Gaming, the Claymore-wielding Pyro character from Liyue. His kit is as colorful and full of life as his personality, and he excels at being a main DPS, dealing massive damage with plunging attacks. And while you may have memed him for his odd name (pronounced Gya-Ming by the way), we can assure you that you’ll be ‘gaming’ with him in no time.

Naturally, players who have Gaming or want to get him in the future will have to farm materials and upgrade his stats to make him viable, just like every other character in the game. No character is useful if you don’t upgrade them properly! That’s why we’ve made this article to show you just how much you have to invest to upgrade Gaming to the max level, which is 90.

Complete list of Ascension Materials for Gaming

Genshin Impact Ascension Materials for Gaming
Source: Game Rant

Here’s everything you’ll need to ascend Gaming to the max level, including Talent Books, Trounce Domain materials, etc:

  • 7,049,900x Mora
  • 46x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 168x Starconch
  • 6x Agnidus Agate Gemstone
  • 9x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 1x Agnidus Agate Silver
  • 9x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 418x Hero’s Wit
  • 2x Wanderer’s Advice
  • 129x Slime Concentrate
  • 96x Slime Secretions
  • 26x Slime Condensate
  • 18x Lightless Moss
  • 114x Philosophies of Prosperity
  • 63x Guide to Prosperity
  • 9x Teachings of Prosperity
  • 3x Crown of Insight

All the materials listed above have been considered for a Level 90 Gaming with maxed out talents at Level 10.

Materials Required for Every Ascension

Now we’ll take a look at more specific numbers; that is to say, here’s the list of materials you need for each individual ascension for Gaming:

Level 20

  • 1x Agnidus Agate Sliver
  • 3x Starconch
  • 3x Slime Condensate
  • 20,000x Mora

Level 40

  • 3x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 2x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 10x Starconch
  • 15x Slime Condensate
  • 40,000x Mora

Level 50:

  • 6x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 4x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 20x Starconch
  • 15x Slime Secretions
  • 60,000x Mora

Level 60: 

  • 3x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 8x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 30x Starconch
  • 18x Slime Secretions
  • 80,000x Mora

Level 70:

  • 6x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 12x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 45x Starconch
  • 12x Slime Concentrate
  • 100,000x Mora

Level 80:

  • 6x Agnidus Agate Gemstone
  • 60x Starconch
  • 20x Emperor’s Resolution
  • 24x Slime Concentrate
  • 120,000x Mora

Ascension Materials – How to Get Them

Genshin Impact Ascension Materials for Gaming
Source: Escapist Magazine

Now we’ll take a look at where you can find all these different materials in the vast lands of Teyvat. It might seem like a lot, but once you get into the flow of farming, it’s pretty chill and relaxing.

Agnidus Agate

There’s a lot of options to farm these, but the best way is through bosses, including:

  • Pyro Hypostasis
  • Pyro Regisvine
  • Primo Geovishap (only when it wields Pyro element)
  • La Signora 
  • Azhdaha

Starconch Locations

Starconches are a local specialty of Liyue, and are required to ascend specifically characters originating from that region. So far, only Childe, Yelan, and now Gaming needs these curious blue shells to level up.

You can find these while exploring Liyue in general, as this is mainly how you find local specialties. Additionally, having Yanfei in your party can be helpful, as her passive lets you see nearby Liyue specialty items in the minimap.

Regardless, you’ll find them abundant in the northern area of Liyue Harbor and towards the base of Dragonspine.

Slime Drops

To little surprise, Slime drops (Condensate, Secretions and Concentrate) are dropped by slime enemies in Genshin. The higher level the slime is, the better quality item you’ll receive:

  • Any Level: Slime Condensate
  • Level 40+: Slime Secretions
  • Level 60+: Slime Concentrate

Emperor’s Resolution

Although Gaming is a character hailing from Liyue, the Emperor’s Resolution item is something that you can strictly find in Fontaine, despite the region having no connection to the character. Regardless, to farm this item, it’s dropped by the Emperor of Fire and Iron boss, who resides under Poisson of Fontaine.

The boss is resistant to Pyro, so, unfortunately, Gaming is not a good fit for the fight. Instead, try bringing along some Hydro characters like Childe or Kamisato Ayato to quickly deal good damage against the Emperor.

EXP Materials

These are the materials that you need to actually level up your character one by one, and you definitely need a lot of them! There are 3 rarities which include Hero’s Wit, Adventurer’s Experience and Wanderer’s Advice, with the former giving the most EXP out of the three. 

To farm these, make sure to do the daily commissions and regularly farm the Blue Ley Lines across the open world of Genshin.

Lightless Mass

This character ascension material can be farmed from the All-Devouring Narwhal boss in Fontaine. This is a relatively new material that has been added into the game and the only characters that use this item are Gaming and Furina.

That concludes our comprehensive guide for all the ascension materials you’ll be needing to max out the potential of Gaming in Genshin Impact. Of course, just levels itself don’t make your characters strong as you’ll need a good set of artifacts to bring out every character’s true strength. So it’s time to get farming!

Genshin Impact Ascension Materials for Gaming
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