Fortnite: Where To Find All Exotic Weapons In Season 7

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Fortnite: Where To Find All Exotic Weapons In Season 7

ESTNN provides a comprehensive Exotic weapons guide for Chapter 2 – Season 7.

Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 7 marked the 17th consecutive adventure for players to experience. For this go-around, an army of extraterrestrial beings invaded Fortnite’s iconic landscape, bringing with them new locations, flyable UFOs and an arsenal of futuristic weapons. While the new inclusions captured the attention of many, certain remnants from past seasons remained in the game.

Case and point are Exotic weapons, first debuted in Chapter 2 – Season 5 as Mythic replacements. Epic Games took existing weapons and items such as the Dualies and Bolt Action Sniper Rifle and added an exciting twist. Many Exotics remain in-game to this day, and today we are breaking down where players can find the items and how much they cost.

All Exotic Weapons Locations & Cost

The Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 map highlighting the location of Exotic Weapon NPCs with red lines.

Four Exotic weapons and one item remain in Chapter 2 – Season 7. Players can purchase each of the four weapons from various non-player characters (NPCs) around the map with gold bars. The lone Exotic item — the Chug Canon — can no longer purchasable from an NPC. Instead, players must destroy Supply Llamas to acquire one. Thanks to, for providing access to an easy-to-understand and interactive map as shown above.

Here is a list of all Exotics in Fortnite Season 7, where to purchase them and how much they cost:

  • Night Hawk – 400 gold – Sold by Abstrakt in Retail Row
  • Storm Scout Sniper – 500 gold – Sold by Riot on Yellow Steel Bridge
  • Shadow Tracker – 400 gold – Sold by Maven at Dinky Dish
  • Marksman Six Shooter – 400 gold – Sold by Guggimon at Lockie’s Lighthouse
  • Chug Canon – Contained only in Supply Llamas

Exotic weapons are certainly a thing of the past, but it’s nice to see that Epic Games kept them around. The Shadow Tracker is a fun complementary weapon that pings enemy players when shots connect. Each of these weapons carries its unique properties, and based on some recent leaks, more Exotics could be on the way throughout Chapter 2 – Season 7. Now, you have a wealth of knowledge regarding all current Exotic weapons this season.

Stay tuned to ESTNN for more Fortnite news and updates!

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.