Fortnite Professional Players Unsatisfied with Solo Cash Cups

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Fortnite Professional Players Unsatisfied with Solo Cash Cups

The Fortnite Solo Cash Cups are under fire from professional players worldwide.

There’s a long-winded history of professional Fortnite players exhibiting a sense of entitlement. From Epic Games eliminating patch notes to complaints about prize pools, players have never shied away from their opinions. Ever since the beginning of Fortnite Season X, Solo Cash Cups are just one of the many weekly tournaments made available by the Fortnite developers. These tournaments allow players across all six competitive regions to queue up in as many as ten matches over a three-hour time span. The end goal of the Solo Cash Cups is to accumulate as many points as possible in hopes of taking the top spot. Unfortunately, many professional players simply do not enjoy these competitions.

Anti-Solo Cash Cup Movement

Team Liquid’s Stretch and FaZe Clan’s Kyle “Mongraal” Jackson are just two of the many professional players who have grown tired of Solo Cash Cups. Although their reasoning may not be the same, most feel that Solo Cash Cups provide nothing beneficial to the player.  These solo competitions ultimately reduce Fortnite to a “W-key” frenzy, which means players constantly engage for no apparent reason and often early in each match. For popular streamers, this typically leads to griefing and even stream sniping. A blatant lack of strategy and randomness ensues with the result is almost always the same. Players leave themselves wondering why they continue to participate in competitions that they genuinely don’t enjoy and gain nothing from.

Bugha Falls Victim

Fortnite Solo World Cup Champion, Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf has a Solo Cash Cup victory to his credit. In his November 7th stream, Giersdorf experienced how unrewarding the Cash Cups often are. After an opposing player challenged him inside the storm, Giersdorf went on to eliminate the player. Giersdorf began healing only to be shot down from his high builds, which resulted in an elimination to fall damage. This situation plays into the inherent randomness that exists in every Solo Cash Cup match. Giersdorf earned the elimination, but it was all for nothing as he was in the storm and still had a long way to rotate. These exact scenarios make it difficult for highly recognizable streamers to obtain quality content from Solo Cash Cups.

New Chapter, Same Tournaments

Leading into Fortnite Chapter 2, multiple professional players believed the competitive format would include Squads and Duos. A mixture of team-oriented competitive playlists would be a nice change of pace from the excruciating pain of the Solo Cash Cup tournaments. Epic Games, unfortunately, kept Solo Cash Cups in the rotation along with squad tournaments. This meant professional players would continue participating in the Cash Cups for inevitably rage-inducing content. Epic Games continues to roll out Solo Cash Cups despite the negative response from both professional and casual competitive players.

Silver Lining

One thing players can be grateful for is the $5M USD in prizes that they can earn in Fortnite Chapter 2. Although a chunk of that money is for the Cash Cup prize pools, the vast majority goes to participants who place high enough in the Fortnite Champion Series. The squads format, in general, has received mixed reviews from the collective community. This reception is primarily due to the lack of mobility in Fortnite, and by no means is an indictment on squads itself. Fortnite’s competitive future would be much brighter with more team-oriented competitions. Seeing the dynamic between a duo, trio and squad make for a much more entertaining viewing experience. We can only hope that Epic Games will reassess the state of competitive Fortnite and make the right decision.

Stay tuned to ESTNN for continued coverage of the Fortnite Champion Series.

Avatar of Matt Pryor
Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.