Fortnite: Liquid Cented To Offer Coaching Sessions In Support Of Black Lives Matter

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Fortnite: Liquid Cented To Offer Coaching Sessions In Support Of Black Lives Matter

One of NA East’s top players is offering competitive Fortnite lessons for a good cause!

Team Liquid member Evan “Cented” Barron is one of the world's best Fortnite players today. In his lengthy competitive career – Cented has dominated the NA West and moved over to NA East for more of the same. Many hopeful Fortnite pros could only imagine the feeling of finding success in two different regions and reaching four FNCS Finals. Those accolades fit the bill of arguably Team Liquid's most underrated players.

For those hoping to reach the caliber of player that Cented has become eventually – now is your chance. The two-year Fortnite professional will offer players the ability to pick his brain and learn his ways through coaching lessons.

Cented Coaching

The Team Liquid Fortnite player released a Twitlonger yesterday, divulging details about his coaching lessons.

“I am offering coaching services for a limited time and limited quantity for those wanting to improve their IGLing and gameplay. I am an experienced and accomplished IGL with experience in both the East and West competitive scene,” wrote Cented on Twitter.

In-game leading (IGL) is an essential component in competitive Fortnite. Each team typically designates the IGL role to a player with a strong sense of the game. The IGL can call rotations, material refreshes, height retakes, storm surge tags and much more. As an IGL – Cented wants to teach his ways to all players who enroll in his lessons.

Cented continued to provide a list of what students can expect after registering.

What to expect:

  • 10 slots for coaching available for competitive players
  • Help with rotations in current meta, plans to accommodate for storm surge, rotations late game (regarding low ground).
  • Breakdown and critique of teammates' strengths and help to define each person's role in-game.
  • Review rotations from drop spot and positioning throughout the game (early, mid and late game positioning)
  • Vod review 2-3 games: In-depth review of gameplay with added critique

It's not every day that a professional player at the level of Cented is willing to open his mind to others wanting to replicate his success. The offerings above should – at the very least – impact the way players think about and approach competitive Fortnite.

Cented coaching will cost players $100 per session with ten slots available. According to the Team Liquid player, “They'll be run until I feel I've done enough to help you meet your goals of understanding the meta and what you could do to improve your gameplay. Minimum one hour.”

Half the Proceeds Benefit Black Lives Matter

In a wholesome and respectable move – Cented will be donating 50-percent of the money he makes to a Black Lives Matter charity. Although he has not yet decided on a specific foundation, he stated that he would do some research and develop the best option.

“I believe that those of us with large platforms should use our influence for positive change. That being said, I am donating 50% of all coaching proceeds to Black Lives Matter associated charities.,” said Cented in the same Twitlonger. “I am not looking for attention or recognition by adding this, but I believe that by sharing this it would encourage you to do the same. Echoing Team Liquid's official statement on BLM: Black lives matter. We all deserve the right to live peacefully and without fear in our own skin.”

The competitive Fortnite scene does not typically make positive headlines. It's refreshing to see a player like Cented looking to spin coaching lessons into something charitable. Perhaps some of his fellow professional players will follow suit. Contact Cented for these invaluable lessons before they fill up!

Avatar of Matt Pryor
Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.