Fortnite: FNCS Chapter 2 – Season 5 European Semi-Finals/Heats Preview

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Fortnite: FNCS Chapter 2 – Season 5 European Semi-Finals/Heats Preview

ESTNN highlights all European heats ahead of this weekend’s FNCS Chapter 2 – Season 5 Semi-Finals.

For the last three weeks, competitive Fortnite players across all seven regions endured grueling days and long hours preparing for this weekend, which is the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) Semi-Finals. Epic Games kept the same general format intact by separating 132 trios separated into four different heats. The goal is simple; teams must earn enough points for a top-eight finish in their respective heat to advance to the Chapter 2 – Season 5 Finals. However, that's easier said than done, especially in the European region.

Some players involved in Fortnite's most challenging region include MrSavage, benjyfishy, TaySon, Nayte, Andilex, JannisZ, chapix, Hen and many others. Epic has officially released all four heats for Europe, and it's time to take a more in-depth look at which teams standout amongst the pack. Before we do that, Fortnite Coach VHV_Harry took the time to plot out each team's drop spot so that fans can understand who is setting up for success.

Now, let's take a look at the heat assignments and highlight some of the top trios in each.

Heat 1

  • Мustor7, onyx hell, Onyx Hizixx
  • eXeS jetsku, Visu Orb, Exen Klinberi
  • C4LoverPaddy, KNIFER FORTNITE, Beleth Veno
  • Flames, 4E SOLDATU, PenguWingu.
  • VEOR Jannes, VEOR tillv1_, VEOR Gripey
  • SRN SUBO, KidBocaj, Onyx Zawnie
  • V4 Voidd, passivq, T7K Ayar
  • makrobeti4, TGP Pablito, Focus Beetwe
  • MDS.meta, brasko la zouz, Exalty XpeR
  • Adn 7, Ηardfind, AstrоSMZ
  • zq 69, fnatiс crr, Rams Lеo
  • GLORIOUS vp, TT9 Sqwinnt, TT9 Remix44
  • HookkaC, Sеrhat, EV Noa.
  • PG J4chu, SRN Kizzy, Xypher Kefyy
  • loru77, Xypher NeFrizi, onyx keNN
  • SRN Yправляющий, RCY Rayy, Siko Small
  • vBlazified, ndgg trizox, ethyn
  • Rabid 7, BrownerSMZ, yagsou
  • Vіrsuh, BL Edison, serenity swapz
  • CL Sаfik, VP Siberiajkee, CL iRezUmi
  • LootBoy QueasKun, packо, Centric Rakso
  • m1337 Nico, Meldgaardoxie, M1337 Fredoxie
  • Slide Marvin, nadji la zouz, monaco dukey
  • GUILD Hen 75, WAVE JannisZ, chapix 74
  • AXL Laxus, Grizi BadSnipR, TRC trippernn
  • Wave Vadeal, Noahreyli, rezon ay лол
  • B8R, Jffo, rubzui
  • Wavy TChypSs, BT QKAIIN, beGenius Misore
  • CL l1nk, Stormyriteqt, NaVі 7tоr
  • Exen Sipe, VISU tosialpha, SpekterDaeZinhoo
  • ATX FIyZ, Frozen, LDLC Keoreyli
  • dyox ., Eaths44, wafflаr

GUILD Hen, Wave JannisZ and chapix 74 are the front-runners in heat one. These three dominated the week one qualifier competition and followed that up with two Trio Cash Cup victories. There's not much more to say as this trio has arguably been the best in Chapter 2 – Season 5. Hen, JannisZ and chapix should have Craggy Cliffs without issue and that should be enough for them to secure a top-eight finish in the first heat.

Wave Vadeal, Noahreyli and rezon are right behind Hen and company in terms of raw talent. These are three of the best fighters in Europe and they've flown quietly under the radar since qualifying in week one. Vadeal, Noah and rezon will have Sweaty Sands all to themselves, and there is no reason to think that they won't be one of the eight teams advancing to the FNCS Grand Finals. Trios led by Crr and Queasy will be fighting off the spawn at Catty Corner, which could significantly reduce their chances of advancing to the finals. That storyline will be worth monitoring closely as these 33 teams battle in six crucial matches.

Heat 2

  • TeaTea9 Slovay, SlqHD, LOSC Mirza
  • wc w7 -50k kroq, agrowyn, Hаnckee
  • Castery 24, ALOFT Falex, Playwell Pnkayy
  • TCE Cybertry, Antozi, FF Havre
  • Jacqwil, TD xKumu, DЕMONEMZ
  • MNS Aury, Art1stFN, Patriarch 97
  • Куlix, OVА x8, OVA Rijas77
  • Dаndiř, murlokk., c1suu
  • l0wless., Rz Pirozz, Solary Magl
  • kianfc, QB, Boettchr
  • V4 Jojooo, imv fishfall, Proxen_
  • BL Setty, Gamma Kami, GXR teeq
  • TrainH Skite, TrаinH Fаlconly, Grizi Robabz
  • EV Hyphen, FA ENTE, Envice Mikoni
  • ace effect, TrK Jeff, 4E KIANDRO
  • MONKEY ARTOX, le pizza, le ardit
  • GO Shaykoz, GO Grayinjo, Solary EMXXRR W
  • Focus retros, Crow VII, LaCave dances u
  • Yeww., SMS Jаmz, shmeky7
  • Union TenZeN, GO Blaxou, GameWard Marcote
  • TRICKED Caspersa, Zh1ny, E11 Fickzi
  • RedRush 123, RVG HST DEMONDIO, xsterioz
  • BL Raifla, BL SliX, GXR Milаn
  • Playwell Vetle 7, Playwell Krizzii, Playwell Styrsix
  • Joolex., Onyx Cherentos, LMNX Merstach
  • EvozA Helix, SRN Bobby, Flames Deqzyy
  • AOS nebs, XYPHER M1LO, Siko Ceesay
  • daddy Birchh, aIoft leonflares, Cookie ay лол
  • Atlantic Planez, Jukerr., ESP Telén
  • 父 wanlast, COOLER Noward, MCES PodaSaï
  • kyzеn, Grizi Laizen1, WYZIP
  • Wave advise, Centric Kubx, BL artor

BL Setty, Gamma Kami and GXR teeq lead the way in heat two with one of the best loot paths in competitive Fortnite this season. Located east of Colossal Coliseum, the “Kami split,” aptly named for the player in this trio, features guaranteed max materials for all three members and plenty of fishing spots. They might only encounter one or two teams, depending on where zone pulls, but Setty, Kami and teeq will be in a favorable position regardless.

Another team to keep an eye out for is EvozA Helix, SRN Bobby, Flames Deqzyy, who could have Dirty Docks uncontested in heat two. This specific location affords guaranteed metal, fishing spots and upgraded weapons, all of which are an absolute must in Chapter 2 – Season 5. One dark horse team that could find success is that of Grizi Laizen, kyzen and WYZIP. These three players will be landing at Hydro 16 to claim the coveted Rocket Launcher. If they can land and rotate without issue, they'll be in the driver's seat.

Heat 3

  • wishi washy, Traitor 7, TD Raqz
  • yаѕѕіn, RAAD Gosta, Best Fightеr.
  • Solarу BlastR, Vitаlity Nikof, TrainH Alphaa
  • Lootboy mexe, Michаel, VEROХ
  • DVT TempyTh3Dog3, FA ByHarry_, Lootboy Hijoe
  • nеymargrzyweczka, Kruczek., Mohitо
  • Zаra7, fredy7., darkeroonie
  • Luisz〆, bestplayernexyxg, bestplayertaze
  • E11 BOYEEEEEEEER, Not Hellfire, Klusiа
  • jаggу, Patjе, yvsuf abi
  • TT9 recon, TeaTea9 Payna, OVA blacky
  • Diablo XVI, Flecken., BАYON
  • TS Lusha, XIV Dangoms, Xypher Omegga
  • ndgg Essitam, WarreTam, FF Jurri
  • Homyno ewen, MCES DKS, b1acky.BDS
  • Psycho hype, washed celestanﻨ, 4E Zeerox
  • VP Kiryache32, VP JAMSIDE, CL Fury
  • Wave Wraxx, Enterprise Huty, Enterprise Minny
  • Solarу Floki, Rams Clement, naek0z
  • Jоefn, V4 Jur3ky, Shadow 1118
  • asteria younes, Robniс, Fnatic Lame
  • THE BIG DOWNS 유, еtq, PabloWingu
  • Wave Kikoo, LootBoy Slender, XIV Moshyoh
  • beGenius Kinwin, BeGenius Sun, beGenius CracK
  • VEOR riipeex, M10 Pepper, Lezaris
  • Legxndz xddddddd, M10 karmafnr, OVA Awaer7
  • hycr1s gotSniped, vortex lol -.-, OVA Night
  • Focus DANIMON, Heretiсs Pereira, QLASH nkt
  • Finnexebby, hаlfdumb, Jеnks
  • TridentFNBR, TT9 27, XT Liwshe
  • Pop Cvrby Smoke, styler xddddddd, M10 Ensar
  • krejzzzzzzz, Lootboy RELLVIS, crustі
  • lucky Mr.J, ks1light, Gambit Mawakha

Lootboy mexe, Verox and Michael are one of a few teams that should have an uncontested drop spot in heat three. Their chosen location is Dirty Docks, which we already know is one of this season's best. These three may only struggle with unfavorable zones, considering Dirty Docks is a coastal area. If mexe, Verox and Michael can rack up Storm Surge damage early, they should find their way into the top-eight.

Solary Floki, Rams Clement and naek0z are also uncontested at Misty Meadows, which is another ideal location. They'll have the opportunity to upgrade their weapons and stack floppers for a potential end-game healing battle. Also, watch out for Zаra7, fredy7 and darkeroonie in heat three as they look to ride Hydro 16 and the Rocket Launcher into the Grand Finals.

Heat 4

  • Stasiowyy, synxx -, vapxz
  • TeaTea9 Shady, Spekter MinZho, PG Flyy
  • Lmnx Malibuca, TCE shizogod -.-, Mayhemᅠ
  • Swiftyrr, kayd . ., tntzy
  • fѕi, Siko hus, Barqos
  • TCE fiR3hUNTER ., Onyx WingS, Sp1aash.
  • E11 Refsgaard, NVD Endretta, NVD Skram
  • psycho oceaﺵ, PRM DabZ, restyl 74
  • Pastel XVII, Tw JuankaaFN, Tw AxTryAx
  • PRM Marq, PRM Ogurchik, N1ftz7
  • PSQ 2eh.2, xkom AGO Kettle, shеer1
  • TrainH Umplify, TrainH Matsoe, NRG benjуfishу *
  • Kiujy_Y, happy kkwet, Serenexo XD
  • maestro xddddddd, Wave Kartun, M10 Floriixn
  • Rams Kez, Grizi 4zr, Grizi Nayte *
  • CR Luke, Exalty Clem, CR Saïd
  • Wave Тackyy, RCY LowDate, Lmnx forcezkiy
  • GUILD Flikk, GUILD Аnas, Gamma Th0masHD *
  • Centric Snagged, BL heatzy 7, WAVE Steеlix
  • apeks IDrop 7, GUILD TаySon, 100T MrSavage *
  • k1nzеll, GO Decyptos, wаk1е
  • JoYе7, SaMMyy_Y, Uriі7
  • nate -iwnl-, Flames FlowiS 7, CL Rotory.
  • lufuuuuu, V4 johku, tr1xі
  • Fastroki, Kylie ay лол, OVA Ditrxx
  • MCES Andilex, Grizi Snayzy, xsweeze.mces
  • Skеll, LuBoys, BT Eiji
  • Lnuef, Gamma Merijn, jaspaay.
  • Lootboy Pinq 7, Glоrious TruleX, vitality stompy- *
  • Vitаlity Airwaks, Esтy, Vatо *
  • Theqo1zr, Atlantic Crown, Zohan1zr
  • еgrm, HOMYNO voxe, GLORIOUS kebo

Teams in heat four will have their work cut out for them as it's undoubtedly the most difficult of all. MrSavage, Th0masHD, Andilex, benjyfishy, Nayte, Refsgaard, k1nzell and their respective trio teammates are present in the one group that will end in inevitable heartbreak. Having an uncontested drop spot is more critical in heat four than any of the others. Refer above as we have starred all the teams above who rank out at the top and should not be fighting off the spawn. No matter how you slice it, some dominant teams from heat four will have to compete in the Reboot Round.

100T MrSavage, GUILD TaySon and apeks IDrop7 have the potential to win the entire tournament, but we could say the same for NRG benjyfishy, TrainH Matsoe and TrainH Umplify. Out of all EU heats, this is the one most competitive Fortnite fans will be watching to see how the chaos unfolds. Good luck to the teams who drew this heat, as it'll be a stress-inducing couple of hours.

Avatar of Matt Pryor
Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.