Fortnite: Clix Perma-Banned On Twitch For TOS Violation
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor

Twitch bans Clix from their website.
Professional Fortnite player Cody “Clix” Conrod of NRG Esports has received a ban from the Twitch streaming platform. The 16-year-old confirmed this news in a series of tweets posted just after midnight. Although he has not received a legitimate reason, it appears that Clix violated Twitch’s terms of service (TOS), either by showing nudity on his stream or repeated DMCA strikes. The website did not provide comment after the punishment, but an auto-generated Twitter account also confirmed Clix’s ban. Pending an appeal, it appears the Fortnite superstar is no longer allowed on the platform.
Clix Reveals the ban and reasoning
— Clix (@Clix) February 15, 2021
Just three hours after peaking at 108k viewers during his tournament-winning FNCS Chapter 2 – Season 5 performance, Clix received the bad news. He took to Twitter later in the evening with more information. “Bro what the f**k i’m banned on twitch,” he said.
Only the 16-year-old’s viewers could perhaps piece together why the punishment came through. He did not provide a comment in that regard, but several others within the Fortnite community claim that Clix displayed nudity on his stream. That would violate Twitch’s terms of service, which results in punishment.
Multiple Violations = Permaban?
❌ Twitch Partner "Clix" (@MaloGraphy) has been banned! ❌https://t.co/CISuMUCJyB#twitch #ban #thirdban #partner #twitchpartner 👜
— StreamerBans (@StreamerBans) February 15, 2021
This isn’t Clix’s first rodeo with Twitch rule violations. Two years ago, the website suspended him for broadcasting himself playing with a banned Twitch streamer. Clix has also received multiple DMCA strikes on Twitch for playing copyrighted music without permission. It’s possible that, given his repeated offenses and the severity of his latest infraction, Twitch’s system permanently banned him. The StreamerBans Twitter account also listed this instance as Clix’s third ban.
Past Bans in Twitch History
— FaZe Ronaldo (@StableRonaldo) February 15, 2021
We’ve seen how this has worked in the past. Some cases are much lighter than others, but the “indefinite” tag is not reassuring in the slightest. The subject of Twitch banning Guy “DrDisrespect” Beahm stands as one that puzzled and offered no real explanation.
Another professional Fortnite player — Leon “Khanada” Khim — aired his take on the situation. “twitch really be banning for the stupidest reasons and not even that [sic] its usually 3 strikes and your perm but me and clix both got two bans and on the second ban we got perm ggs,” he said. Many other Fortnite personalities rallied behind Clix with the hashtag #FreeClix
It's worth noting that Clix recently signed an exclusive deal with the Amazon-owned streaming platform. Perhaps that fact mixed with his ties to NRG will help him get out of this unfortunate situation.
Stay tuned for more on this developing story.