Fortnite: $15,000 Intel NUC Elite Cup Results Featuring Bugha, Khanada, Tfue & More!
| Tags: Fortnite
| Author Matt Pryor

NA East’s first trios tournament produced some exciting results!
Competitive Fortnite’s premier Practice Server hosted the first-ever Intel NUC Elite Cup for both NA East and NA West trios. The competition featured some of Fortnite’s most notable names, including World Cup Champion Bugha, Tfue, UnknownxArmy, Clix and many more. Practice Server also hosted Open Qualifiers, which would pit lesser-known players against some of Fortnite’s best teams.
The Elite Cup scoring system was a bit different than most tournaments in the past. This time around, placement points began at the top 15 remaining trios. A “special rule” was also in effect, which eliminated the lowest scoring trio after the first two matches. Unsurprisingly, one of the top NA East narrowly escaped with victory after eight intense games.
Khanada, Bucke and Kreo Take the W
1st in intel cup let’s go ($4000 and 3 pcs) pic.twitter.com/zMi58hdXt0
— 313 Bucke (@BuckeFPS) June 28, 2020
TSM Khanada, BBG Kreo and Bucke produced 129 points over eight matches and took the ultimate Victory Royale. In total, these three NA East phenoms compiled 51 eliminations. The victors took home $4.2K USD, and three Intel NUC computers for their winning effort. Khanada, Kreo and Bucke established themselves as NA East’s best trio with their first notable tournament win.
Bugha, UnknownxArmy and Zayt at the Top
Fortnite World Cup Champion Bugha along with teammates Avery and Jamper took second in the Elite Cup. With 122 points, Bugha and company came close but could not secure the victory. Bugha struggled at first to find a team, but the dynamic between himself Avery and Jamper seems to work.
Assault Degen and Iciev teamed with E11 daxor in a third-place effort. Chapter 2 – Season 2 FNCS Champions Zayt and Saf along with Liquid STRETCH took fourth place in the tournament. UnknownxArmy joined Prosecutor and Mikey to finish in seventh place.
Here’s the full prize pool structure for the Elite Cup:
Drama Between Team Tfue and Team Zayt
Tfue, innocents and Scoped made the executive decision to engage in fights at Catty Corner with Zayt, Saf and STRETCH. The former of these two trios managed only nine points and could not continue after two matches due to the “special rule” in effect. Zayt threw shade at Tfue and company with a post-tournament tweet.
Cant wait for cash cups and other tournaments!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/x2YmCZ50Et
— NRG Zayt (@zayt) June 28, 2020
As rivalries begin to develop, Chapter 2 – Season 3 is shaping up to be one of the better competitive seasons in a while. Let’s hope players stay motivated and Epic adheres to their concerns. The best trios will develop over time.
Congratulations to Khanada, Kreo and Bucke for a hard-fought Elite Cup victory!
Featured Image: Practice Server