Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Titan and Titan Lost

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Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Titan and Titan Lost

Players will encounter Titan and Titan Lost after defeating Undertaker in “Into the Darkness,” the main quest of Final Fantasy 16. There are two bosses in total in this quest and this is the second one you will face. We again urge you to employ a successful method in order to win this war and advance the plot. We made the decision to include all the practical tips and strategies for defeating Titan in one article.

Location, rewards, and abilities

As was already mentioned at the beginning of this article, the Titan is a boss that players must face in the “Into the Darkness” main quest. This mission takes place in the Drake's Fang region of the Dhalmekian Republic. Players who succeed in defeating this formidable monster will obtain rewards that are necessary for moving further in the game. These prizes also come with items like Wyrrite and Earthen Fury as well as 2000 XP, 300 AP, and 5000 Gil.

Nevertheless, it is important to take this boss and its variations seriously. In light of this, it is our suggestion that you adopt a plan of action suitable for this form of conflict. We also want to remind you, as always, that Titan has a number of special skills at his disposal that he can use to his enemies' detriment in battle. The skills in question are Earthshaker, Stone's Throw, Voice of the Land, Geocrush, and Stone's Throw. It also has an ability called Stone's Throw for the Titan Lost version.

final fantasy 16 titan and titan lost

How to defeat Titan and Titan Lost

You can easily ward off Titan's strikes and respond to them in the opening stages of the combat because his movements are exceedingly slow and predictable. He'll usually pound his fists on the ground while employing Geocrush and a variety of other simple moves. Try to parry him by pressing the attack button at the precise moment his attack lands at you to deflect it, slowing time and rendering him vulnerable for a few seconds, allowing you to deal decent damage to him. Observe his attack patterns, then once you are familiar with his movements, try to parry him by observing his attack patterns. If you are unable to parry with good timing, you may choose to dodge instead. After successfully avoiding one of his offensive abilities, launch a counterattack by pressing Attack if you were able to execute a precise dodge.

During the fight, the Titan will occasionally leap back up onto a ledge and unleash a big, unavoidable boulder at you. During this, you will learn the Brimstone ability, which you may use to become more resistant to incoming attacks by pressing R2 + Square while holding the button down. A Quick Time Event will take place after the opponent's health is exhausted to end the opening phase of the conflict. While witnessing the amazing fight cutscenes, press the proper buttons to participate in the dramatic clashes.

The Titan Lost will continuously throw electrified rocks at you as you rush through the canyon; these rocks can be destroyed using Fireball. In the canyon proper, you'll also need to move to the left or right to avoid the rock barriers. Once you are on its tentacles, you must hop over or dodge the blue crystals that are beginning to appear beneath it. Throughout this, massive electrified rocks will continue to be sent your way; therefore, you must continue launching fireballs at them. Continue doing this up until a cinematic collision occurs between you and one of its tendrils, at which point, after completing the QTE, you will steer the tendril in the direction of the Titan.

You'll ultimately touch down on a rock, where the Titan Lost will assault you with its enormous arms. The location of the punches is determined by the presence of red electricity on the ground, so keep an eye out for that. The arms will stay there for a moment after avoiding them. The boss can then be damaged by repeatedly using your skills and combos. Avoid standing in front of its fingers after it slams its hands to the ground because it will unleash blue crystals in a horizontal direction that will do a lot of damage if you are hit by them. When it starts pounding the ground, hop over the green energy wave, then dash over to it with Wildfire to start attacking it. You should be prepared for the second one because it will repeat this action twice.

final fantasy 16 titan and titan lost

Titan's abilities

Titan has different abilities that he can use to deal damage to his opponents. For this reason, we advise you to follow a good strategy in order to not be overcome by his power. After he activates the Voice of the Land power, you will experience a momentary stagger followed by the emergence of many blue crystals from the ground, each of which will be marked by a blue aura. You won't have much time to respond once you regain your footing.

Another thing to keep in mind while facing this boss is that you will battle it while falling through debris after it briefly assumes the shape of the Titan Lost and then changes back to its regular state. The moves are identical to those in the previous phase, except Earthshaker will now be employed on the walls on either side. If you notice the Titan pressing its hands up against a particular wall, get away from it because crystals will protrude from it.

final fantasy 16 titan and titan lost

Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Titan and Titan Lost
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.