Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

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Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

After discussing the boss Morbol, in this article, we will discuss the boss from Final Fantasy 16 called Knight of the Blinding Dawn, who can be encountered when completing the main mission “Flight of a Fledgling”. We will go into great detail about how to handle this boss encounter, giving you helpful advice on the tactic to employ, the kinds of attacks and skills he can use against you, where to find him, and the rewards you will receive if you are successful in taking him down.

Location, rewards, and abilities

As previously stated, the primary quest “Flight of a Fledgling” takes place in the Phoenix Gate region of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, where players will face off against the difficult boss Knight of the Blinding Dawn. Clive will have to utilize all of his powers to make a difference in this arduous war, and if he succeeds, everyone who participates will benefit.

As a mark of appreciation for their dedication and hard work, players will receive these rewards: they are granted 75 Ability Points (AP) to increase their character's skills and 63 Experience Points (XP) to assist them proceed in their adventure. This boss, like Morbol, will not provide you with any further rewards, such as accessories. The players' successful overthrow of Knight of the Blinding Dawn is remembered by these gifts, which are symbols of victory and trophy-like artifacts.

However, it's crucial to keep in mind that Knight of the Blinding Dawn should not be treated carelessly. This dangerous boss, like Clive, has unique skills that have a significant impact on how battles turn out. Jump and Double Jump are two deadly strategies associated with these aptitudes that call for thorough planning and preparation to overcome them. To make sure you have all the information you need to tackle this formidable foe, we'll go into great detail about the Jump and Double Jump skills of the Knight of the Blinding Dawn in the last paragraph of this article.

final fantasy 16 knight of the blinding dawn

How to defeat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

Due to his complex attack patterns and animations that incorporate combos and aerial spins with his lance, the Knight of the Blinding Dawn requires a lot of dodging and avoiding during your fight with him. In this combat, patience is essential because you have to wait for the Knight's combinations to end before taking advantage of your chance to counterattack. Ranged strikes can initially aid deal damage while you get used to the Knight's moveset if escaping proves to be difficult.

Recognizing follow-up assaults and using Precision Dodge in the latter phases of the second attack animation are crucial components in evading. This move gives you the opportunity to quickly launch a counterattack if it is completed correctly. You can use Phoenix Shift to quickly bridge the gap between you and the Knight after avoiding an attack, then release Rising Flames to deliver damage. After this assault, if the Knight is still unbalanced, retreat and avoid his attacks once again until the Rising Flames cooldown is through. Continue doing this until you have weakened the Knight's determination.

The Ring of Timely Evasion can help you if you have trouble dodging the Knight's combination attacks in the allotted amount of time. Instead of having to anticipate assaults and press the dash/dodge button at precisely the right moment, this device automatically deflects oncoming enemy attacks. It is very crucial to keep in mind that all Timely Accessories, including the Ring of Timely Evasion, are enabled by choosing the Story Focused Mode difficulty before starting the game or by modifying the Focused Mode in the Settings menu.

final fantasy 16 knight of the blinding dawn

Knight of the Blinding Dawn's abilities

As the Knight will need a few seconds to recover from his jumping abilities, the best time to start using combos and attacking him is immediately after you successfully avoid his jumps. When blue light indicators start to form on the ground, pay close attention to them since they denote where the Knight will land. At the indicated area, quickly activate Rising Phoenix (if it is available and not on cooldown), then quickly hit your attack button to deal damage to the target.

After the Knight has been stunned by a Cinematic Strike in the later stages of the fight, he will incorporate Double Jumps into his repertoire, requiring you to dodge twice to effectively avoid his assaults. Keep a watchful eye on the Knight and be ready to adjust your evasive techniques to match his heightened level of agility.

final fantasy 16 knight of the blinding dawn

Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Knight of the Blinding Dawn
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.