Final Fantasy 16: How to Defeat Bahamut
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano

Bahamut is a boss that players will encounter in Final Fantasy 16 during the main quest “Fire in the Sky”, after defeating the boss Necrophobe. This is the last boss to challenge in this mission. As usual, we advise you to have a good strategy and to follow our advice to be successful in this battle. In this article, you will find several useful tips and strategies to follow if you want to defeat this boss and continue in the game.
Location, rewards, and abilities
As previously mentioned, this boss can be encountered during the main quest “Fire in the Sky”, in the Crystalline Dominion region. All those who are able to defeat the Bahamut boss will get rewards that can be used for the rest of the game. Rewards include Magicked Ash, Wyrrite, Meteorite, Sharp Fang, and Light Shard, as well as the usual 5000 XP, 400 AP, and 5500 Gil.
However, as usual, we advise you to pay attention to this boss, above all because his fight is divided into multiple phases that must be well studied to be completed and win the fight. Consequently, without an excellent strategy, you will not succeed in your attempt. Furthermore, we inform you that, as also happens for the other bosses in the game, Bahamut has various special abilities at his disposal that he can use (Quintessence, Aura Burst, Gigaflare, Megaflare, Mortal Coil, Teraflare, and Triple Coil) to injure his opponents.
How to defeat Bahamut
Bahamut is a boss that to de defeated needs to be faced for a long, multiple phases fight. Most of the time, Bahamut will attack you from the air using his aerial maneuvers and skills. One of these is that you will need to dodge twice since it will shoot two consecutive aerial slashes at you. Once it has used its dash attack, Bahamut will slam the ground and release a massive energy wave. As the wave comes toward you, leap over it to protect yourself from injury.
For the second stage, you will assume the Phoenix's form. As soon as you see the aiming reticule change to a circle, use the L-Stick to aim the reticule at Bahamut before switching to the Triangle to fireballs. By holding the triangle, you can use the Fireball to inflict extra damage. Keep in mind that damage is increased when it is charged up for a prolonged period of time.
In the third phase, after a brief period of time as the Phoenix, you'll find yourself in charge of Ifrit once more. Due to the fact that you only need to reduce its health by 25%, this part of the boss encounter will go quickly. When Bahamut is near, release a fire beam to significantly lower its health using Spitfire to combine your strength with that of the Phoenix. When it is knocked out, approach it and charge Brimstone to its maximum capacity. Then, when you are close to it, release Brimstone to unleash a massive explosion that will severely harm Bahamut.
Ifrit and Phoenix combine in the last phase of the fight, giving you access to new skills. Bahamut can be damaged by launching a rapid dash toward it while using Lightspeed and a barrage of basic attacks. After a few combos, you need to be careful not to use Wildfire again because it will hurl Supernova, a huge ball of energy, or laser beams at you. Use Wildfire to swiftly fly to a safe location, typically a space between two lasers, as soon as you notice laser beams shaping up in a variety of vertical and horizontal directions. Doing so will help you escape being hurt.
Bahamut's abilities
Bahamut has different abilities to use in combat to deal damage to his opponents. As soon as the monster calls forth Quintessence orbs, Ifrit will also be able to use the Spitflare power. Once the orbs have been destroyed, release a fire beam by pressing R2 and Triangle. Then, change your target to Bahamut to inflict flaming damage on it until the ability expires.
Furthermore, if you don't defeat the Bahamut in the allotted time, it will charge up a potent Gigaflare assault in which it will summon numerous orbs and launch a potent beam that can quickly kill you. Holding Circle while turning counterclockwise allows you to lock on many targets at once. After you've tagged every target, release the circle. Repeat this process on each of them until they are half-health, at which point you should switch to Fireballs to put an end to them.