FFXIV 6.5 Part 1 “Growing Light” Announcement Summary

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FFXIV 6.5 Part 1 “Growing Light” Announcement Summary

Final Fantasy XIV's new patch was announced at Fan Fest 2023, and we have some juicy details for you. Learn everything we found out about FFXIV 6.5 and more.

The announcement of the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.5 was just made at the Fan Fest 2023 in Las Vegas. While we're all looking forward to Dawntrail which is scheduled to release in early Summer 2024 we still have some of Endwalker to go.

Patch 6.5 will be the last patch of the Endwalker Expansion and as it is tradition, it will be a 2-Parter. Called “Growing Light” (In Japanese 光明の起点 “The Starting Point of Light” and a pun “The Light of Zero” when read differently). And it looks like this patch will wrap up our exploits in the void and lead to whatever awaits us in the New World.

FFXIV 6.5 Release Date

FFXIV 6.5 Release Date

Let's start with the release date, Patch 6.5 first part is planned to be released in early October of 2023. While this date is still pending and we still have another Live Letter to go till then, the patch will probably release on the 3rd or 10th of October just before the London Fan Fest later that month.

Part 2 will then release in mid-January sometime after the Tokyo Fan Fest which takes place on January 7th and January 8th in the legendary Tokyo Dome. That Patch will give us part 2 of the story, as well as other mid-patch goodies until the long wait for Dawntrail begins.

Until then we have a lot of content to keep us busy, an Xbox Release, a Fall Guys Collaboration Event

FFXIV 6.5 Part 1 Content


FFXIV 6.5 Part 1 Content

Here is all the content you can expect for the first portion of the 6.5 Patch. The first and probably most important is the first chapter of the MSQ. Part of this will probably include the dungeon “The Lunar Subterrane”. The Trial “The Abyssal Fracture/The Abyssal Fracture Extreme) will probably be in the second part, as it is tradition for these patches.

The next and final leg of the Alliance Raid Series will also be released here and will make up the meat of this patch's side content. The last Myth of the Realm Alliance Raid is called “Thaleia” and will pit us against the remaining 12 patron deities and finally reveal their secrets to us. For everyone who has been part of FFXIV since 1.0, this is a huge deal.

Duty Support will also be added to the rest of Stormblood, now including the dungeons Drowned City of Skalla, The Burn, and Ghimlyt Dark. Just in time for the new expanded free trial that will also release with this patch.

Technically not quite part of 6.5 is the next step in the Splendorous Tools questline which allows Crafters and Gatherers to get their relict tools

FFXIV 6.5 Part 2 Content

FFXIV 6.5 Part 2 Content

Part 2 of Growing Light will be the 6.55 Patch which will release sometime in mid-January of 2024 if everything goes according to plan. Here we get the final leg of the Main Scenario Quest that will probably include the trial and leave us with the cliffhanger for the upcoming expansion Dawntrail.

Part of this patch will be the Endwalker Tribal Alliance Quest which can only be unlocked after finishing all the Endwalker Tribe Quests. It's been a while since we had one of those, so if you want to see the special rewards make sure to complete the daily tribe quests.

Tataru's Grand Endeavor Continues in 6.55 and so do Hildibrands Adventures, who will also return in Dawntrail. Finishing the Hildibrand Adventures will also unlock the last leg of the Manderville Weapons, which you'll probably be able to purchase with Tomestones, again.

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Other Content

And here is all the content you can expect for 6.5 but we don't yet know when it'll drop. First up is the new Unreal Trial which will allow players to go up against Thordan at level 90. Back in Heavensward that trial was breaking parties left and right, so please look forward to it.

We'll also get the 3rd but not the final, as there will be more in the next expansion, Variant and Criterion Dungeon. Called Aloalo Island. This time around we'll get to hand out with Matsuya the Fishmonger some of you might remember from Endwalkers 6.0 Main Scenario.

There will of course also be new rewards, and titles to earn in both the Normal and Savage difficulties.

The Island Sanctuary will also see a major Update, increasing the Ranks yet again, adding a new area and new materials to gather and craft. You'll also be able to capture a Morbol, isn't that beautiful?

Once you've maxed out the Ranks, you'll gain access to the Felicitous Favors which will have you craft very specific Island Handicrafts for a new currency. That new currency can then be turned into new rewards.

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PvP Updates

The Crystalline Conflict remains rather popular. While the new season will last a little longer, namely until Patch 6.51 drops after the London Fan Fest there are still things to look forward to. There will be a new PvP Series with new rewards as well as some QoL updates to both the UI and Minimap. And there will also be a new map, so please look forward to that.


Other things! First and foremost, Patch 6.5 will see the introduction of the Xbox Series X|S to the Final Fantasy XIV ecosystem. We don't have an exact date yet, but you can expect it to land sometime in Early 2024 with an open beta phase planned before that.

Newly Logged Fish will now appear in your Fishing Log with a green dot, so you'll never miss bragging about your latest catch in FC Chat.

There is the Fall Guys Collaboration Event that will be added to the Gold Saucer down the line. The event starts within Fall Guys later next month while we'll have to wait a little longer.

A new Custom Delivery will be added, this time we'll be slaving away for Margrat the sleep-deprived researcher from Sharlayan.

The Armorie will now store additional items, maybe we're finally allowed to store all those store-bought items. This is huge, especially after the last patch gave us the ability to glamour equipment from our armoire and basically everywhere else.  2023 07 29 20 03 32 Window

And your eyes do not deceive you, there will finally be Item Level Restrictions for the Alliance Raid Duty Roulette. Finally, you'll be able to get anything but Crystal Tower or Labyrinth of the Ancients. Good luck to all of you who end up in Dun Scaith or the Orbonne Monastery though.

Last but not least, there will be a slight update to Teleport UI. Now you can choose between teleport locations being sorted by either Geographic Locations or Expansion.

And this wraps up both our coverage of the most recent FFXIV Live Letter as well as our coverage of the 2023 Las Vegas Fan Fest. But keep an eye out on your XIV section for all info related to the Critically Acclaimed MMORPG.

FFXIV 6.5 Part 1 “Growing Light” Announcement Summary
Timo Reinecke
Has once claimed that FSH is the only job in FFXIV worth playing and stands by that firmly. Top Guy, Smart Guy, Educated Speaker. (sometimes) Writer of all things FFXIV, FGC, News, Reviews and More