Enshrouded Sugar: How to Craft it
| Tags: Features
| Author Diana D'Estefano

To be able to craft resources in Enshrouded, you will first need to have specific characters and machinery at your disposal, as in the case of Enshrouded Sugar. In fact, to produce this resource, you will have to follow some simple steps that will allow you to obtain it and use it to create other products. If you don't know how to get Sugar in Enshrouded, you are in the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this resource so that you are prepared as soon as you need it.
How to Craft the Enshrouded Sugar
The first thing you need to know in order to get Sugar in Enshrouded is that you can't simply collect it around the game world. In fact, it will have to be produced using machinery. What you will have to collect in nature are Sugar Canes, i.e., the plant that allows you to obtain Sugar. But where is this plant found? The most appropriate region to get this type of resource is, without a doubt, the Nomad Highlands. Here, in fact, you will have no problem finding this type of plant.
Once you have enough Sugar Canes, all you have to do is return to your base and talk to the Farmer (for this reason, make sure you have this character inside your base; otherwise, you will not be able to get Sugar). Interact with the NPC and then go to “Supplies” and then choose “Energy.” In this way, you will be able to create Sugar using the Almanac of Plants and Seedings. Consequently, check carefully that you also have this, so that you can directly start the production of Sugar.
But what is this resource for? Contrary to what you might think, Sugar will not be used to create other recipes but is simply a consumable that can be used to increase the regeneration of your Stamina for a period of time. It is a resource that is not as useful as other resources that are present in the game; this is obvious, but it can still have its use when you are called to fight against many enemies and your Stamina will be put to the test. By making use of Sugar, you will have the opportunity to buy your Stamina faster and therefore be more efficient during the fight.