Enshrouded Rake Bug: How to Fix it

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Enshrouded Rake Bug: How to Fix it

Running into bugs that can make your gaming adventure not as smooth as it should be is certainly not a pleasant thing. If you have also been a victim of the Enshrouded Rake bug or want to know what to do if it happens to you too, this is the right place for you. In this article, in fact, in addition to giving you general information on what Rake is in Enshrouded, we will also give you some solutions that you can try to solve this problem.

What is Rake in Enshrouded?

Rake in Enshrouded is a fundamental item. In fact, it allows you to get the Dirt and thin the soil to make the construction of any structure easier. Consequently, as you can well understand, this item is necessary for the continuation of the game and you cannot continue without having it available in your inventory. However, despite its necessity, many are experiencing a bug where they cannot find this item in their inventory.

Enshrouded Rake Bug: Fix #1

In case you are among the unlucky ones who don't find Rake in their inventory, don't worry. There are some things you can do so that you can resolve the situation. The first method you can use is definitely the fastest and, in most cases, has been able to resolve the Enshrouded Rake bug. Here, in detail, is what you need to do.

  • Delete your Workbench
  • Exit to the Main Menu
  • Load your world and re-enter it
  • Add another Workbench

It's not clear why this method seems to work and causes the Rake to appear in your inventory again, but it's worth a try. If it works, create as many Rakes as you can at that time, so that you can keep some in a storage chest in case you run into this bug again.

enshrouded rake bug

Enshrouded Rake Bug: Fix #2

If the previous solution did not give the desired effects and you are still looking for a solution to ensure that the Rake is available in your inventory, there is another solution that you can try. Therefore, below are the steps you will need to take to resolve the situation.

  • Exit the game
  • Create a new character in the same world
  • Access the Workbench and craft a Rake
  • Put the Rake in a storage chest
  • Switch to your main character
  • Get the Rake from the storage chest

For some reason, this method seems to be able to solve the problem. In fact, by doing so, the new character you have created will have a Rake at its disposal that can be used at the Workbench, as this bug does not seem to affect new characters that are created in the same world. By crafting it and placing it inside a storage chest, you will be able to use it with your main character.

At the moment, there are no other solutions you can use to fix the Enshrouded Rake bug, but it seems that these two are enough to solve the problem. In the unfortunate event that this is not the case, we advise you to ask for support from the developers themselves, who, in any case, are aware of the fact that Enshrouded has known problems, so it is very likely that they are already working on a solution.

Enshrouded Item Upgrade

Enshrouded Rake Bug: How to Fix it
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.