Duos Fortnite Champion Series Chapter 2 Season 2 Details Announced

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Duos Fortnite Champion Series Chapter 2 Season 2 Details Announced

Epic Games detailed the latest iteration of the Fortnite Champion Series.

The competitive Fortnite fandom has waited a long time for the next step for future tournaments. Chapter 2 Season 1 saw players compete in a squads format for the second-ever Fortnite Champion Series. Since then, competitive Fortnite consisted of Solo Cash Cup tournaments and some third-party LAN events. These events did instill some hope for the future, but no one had an idea of what to expect moving forward. The @FNCompetitive Twitter account dropped a bombshell which is the debut of the third iteration of the Fortnite Champion Series in a duo format that kicks off with a warmup from March 13 to March 15, and the actual tournament will officially begin on March 20.

Fortnite Champion Series Chapter 2 Season 2

Epic Games’ own, Sundown, graced our screens with his presence to detail the upcoming Fortnite Champion Series. The general gist is that the newest version of the popular tournament series includes all consoles. Two separate competitions will coincide, one for PC players and one for console players. As per usual, prospective players much reach the Champions Division in Arena mode to queue into the Fortnite Champion Series competition.

“In this season of FNCS, there will be two tournament tracks: one for players on PC, and one for players on console and mobile. Each track will have equal prizing and their own champions. Keep in mind, and this is mission-critical, your Duos partner needs to be in the same platform group. This means that PC players cannot partner with console and mobile players.”

It’s worth noting, as seen above that there are no cross-platform capabilities with the Chapter 2 Season 2 Fortnite Champion Series.


The format remains the same as what we saw in Season X and Chapter 2 Season 1. Each week, duos will have the opportunity to compete in three separate rounds. A point-based qualification from round one to round two is in effect. The same applies to move from round two to round three. The top-50 duos each week will queue into the final round, and the highest point-earners will secure a spot in the semi-finals toward the end of the season. Here is a breakdown of how many duos from each region will make it to Stage 2 of the competition. Duos can also qualify via week-to-week consistency.

Europe, NAE, NAW, and BR

First Week: Top 20 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Second Week: Top 20 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Third Week: Top 20 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Fourth Week: Top 20 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Cumulative Series Points: Top 120 teams in each region, not already qualified.

TOTAL: 200 teams

Asia, OCE, and Middle East

First Week: Top 10 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Second Week: Top 10 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Third Week: Top 10 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Fourth Week: Top 10 teams in each region, for each platform grouping

Cumulative Series Points: Top 60 teams in each region, not already qualified.

TOTAL: 100 teams

Prize Pool

As usual, the prizing from region to region varies from a $70K grand prize for the European Chapter 2 Season 2 Champion to $10K for Oceania, Middle East and Asia. Additionally, there will be weekly prizes for the duos who reach round three, and those vary from a $5K grand prize for Europe and $1.13K for Oceania, Middle East and Asia.

In general, the prize pools are all over the board, considering that console is now in the mix. However, the matching prize pools between console and PC appears to ring true according to the blog post by Epic Games. There is a lot of money that players can win across all seven competitive Fortnite regions when the Fortnite Champion Series kicks off in a few weeks.

Team Changes

We’ve seen in past FNCS competitions that players sometimes feel that the teammates they are participating with do not work out. Turner “Tfue” Tenney famously left his trio back in Season X and qualified with another trio. The Epic Games blog post highlighted the rules moving forward for team changes during the Chapter 2 Season 2 Fortnite Champion Series.

“Players may only participate on one team at a time throughout each session. If a team qualifies for Stage 2 of the Fortnite Champion Series, both players will be jointly locked to that team for that stage, unless they unanimously decide as a team to forfeit their spot for that stage. If a member of a Stage 2 qualified team later qualifies for Stage 2 as a member of a different team, this second qualification will not be valid.”

“In order to make the second qualification valid, both players on the existing Stage 2 qualified team must submit a written request to disband to [email protected] before the deadline of 9:00 AM ET on April 13, 2020. If such request is approved, the existing Stage 2 qualified team will be removed from the furthest stage previously achieved, and the next in-line team(s) will advance to Stage 2 based on the Leaderboard standings.”

This clarification of the team change rule should be clear to all prospective duos that will be queue into the tournament.

Response from the Fortnite Community

The collective Fortnite community responded positively to the announcement as expected. Since Chapter 2, Season 1, Epic Games had no involvement in competitive Fortnite except for Solo Cash Cups. Most professional players prefer the duos format for tournaments. It’s exciting for the likes of duo partners Benjy “benjyfishy” Fish and Kyle “Mongraal” Jackson, who has yet to compete in a legitimate Fortnite competition as a duo outside of the Winter Royale.

The Chapter 2 Season 2 Fortnite Champion Series will begin on March 20 and conclude on April 19. Grab your duo partner, reach the Champion Division and get ready to win some money.

Feature Image: Epic Games

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Matt Pryor
Matt is a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world.