WoW Dragonflight 10.1.7 Tank Tier List For Raiding
| Tags: WoW News
| Author David Hollingsworth

A look at the Dragonflight 10.1.7 Tank Tier List as we continue our adventures in Dragonflight patch 10.1.7.
Patch 10.0 threw a major spanner in the works of every class in WoW. With changes to every single class via new talent trees, it certainly caused some volatility. 10.1.7 will likely see things staying the same for the initial stages of 10.1.7, with a number of buffs and changes to a number of classes.
Note: This tier list is based on data from raider.io and Warcraft Logs. Also, note that you should play whatever spec you want in WoW, and tier lists are completely pointless.
Check out our Healer and DPS Tier lists.
Dragonflight 10.1.7 Tank tier list for Raiding
Data is based on the 10.1.7 raiding data.
S Tier:
A Tier:
- Protection Warrior
- Blood Death Knight
- Brewmaster Monk
- Protection Paladin
- Guardian Druid
- Vengeance Demon Hunter
B Tier:
C Tier
10.1.7 tank Tier List A closer look
The below information was posted before Dragonflight 10.1 came out. This information will be updated post-10.1 release if required and will be stated in the text.
General tanking tier list note
10.1.7 will see the continued course of all tanks being perfectly viable. While you might have one spec being stronger than another, we think it's pretty much in the best place we've had for a while. Look for what you like in a spec or what you need, and play that. All six specs are strong in their own way, so play the one that appeals most to you.
Protection Paladin
It really is a great patch to be a Paladin. Top of all 3 of our tier lists, the spec is thriving once again. On the tanking front, everything seems to be going for Protection. Assuming you have no other Paladin, Prot already brings one key buff in Devotion Aura. This, mixed in with their high DPS, and high survivability, makes them an incredible addition to any tanking team.
Protection Warrior
Still one of the most reliable tanks in the game, Protection Warrior is a standout, and sits right below S-tier for us in the list. If your Prot Warrior is the only Warrior in your raid, however, they quickly rise to S-tier, due to Rallying Cry being one of the most powerful non-healer healing cooldowns in the game right now. That said, Rallying Cry is great regardless, even if you have a few of them.
Blood Death Knight
Still one of the most unique tanks in WoW. Death Knight is always that “what if” tank that guilds look at. With important raid utility such as Death Grip, Anti-Magic Zone and Gorefiend's Grasp, DK is arguably the most utility heavy tank. Outside of the Mythic level, Death Knight is especially key because their self-healing can be a life saver in tight situations.
Brewmaster Monk
Still arguably the most unique tank in the roster, Brewmaster is once again excelling in Season 2 of Dragonflight. With great damage and good damage mitigation, that's also very smooth for healers and you have a top tank. At the same time, Monk lacks the level of cooldowns as some other tanks, the aforementioned smoothness to their damage mitigation more than makes up for it.
Guardian Druid
It's the tanking version of what Resto Shammy is doing in raid. Guardian does great in Mythic+, but what makes it strong there, doesn't make it as strong in raiding. They also lack any major utility, another reason why Guardian struggles. Outside of that, their mitigation is fine, though better can be found elsewhere.
Vengeance Demon Hunter
Chaos Brand is a great debuff, but most guilds will bring a Havoc Demon Hunter anyway, so it's not as important. Vegeance is a great self-healing tank, with strong damage output with good defensive cooldowns. That said, if you want a jack of all trades, maybe Vegeance is the right option for you.