Dafran Is Back In NA Streaming On A New Twitch Account

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Dafran Is Back In NA Streaming On A New Twitch Account

Daniel “Dafran” Francesca has been spotted on a new Twitch account named “definetlynotdafran”. Dafran has been on an extended hiatus after melting down on Twitter and Stream. However, he was recently spotted playing solo que in the Oceanic region. Dafran tweeted out that he was in Australia visiting family and that he would be in NA after his visa is approved. It seems like that time has come as he is now streaming on an alternate Twitch account on west coast servers with 11 ping. It is safe to assume Dafran is in LA with his OWL team Atlanta Reign who are set to compete in season 2 of OWL next year.

Only time will tell whether or not if Dafran is ready for OWL. He has a history of attitude issues and throwing competitive ranked Overwatch matches. The Atlanta Reign has one of the largest coaching staffs going into season 2, and have been adamant about wanting to provide their players with whatever they need. If Atlanta can offer the right coaching and mental guidance for Dafran I would expect him to be one of the best Western players in the Overwatch League.

You can watch him play here: https://www.twitch.tv/definetlynotdafran

Michael 'mykL' Padilla
KINGmykL is an ex-pro Overwatch player turned full-time Overwatch content creator. With insight from inside of the league, there is no one better to follow for updates surrounding the latest controversies, signings, and daily Overwatch news. Twitter @KING_mykL.