Call of Duty: MW3 Starts Double XP Event

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Call of Duty: MW3 Starts Double XP Event

The Call of Duty: MW3 double XP event begins and here’s all you need to know about it

Activision has not received the best of feedback after releasing their newest game in the Call of Duty series. The game has seen numerous complaints about in-game bugs, errors, a horrible campaign experience, and so on. Despite attempting to bring good reviews by adding old multiplayer maps from previous fan-favorite Call of Duty titles. Even though the game is still young, these issues plague the community to the point where there have even been rumors of the game's multiplayer matchmaking being changed.

Due to these issues with the game's progression and ranking, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be having a double XP event in-game. This event could have a positive impact on the game and the experience of the players as their rewards will be theoretically doubled. So, let's take a look at the features of the event and outline all the necessary information.

Event Duration

Through a post on Twitter/X, the official Call of Duty account announced that the event will start from the 22 to 27 November. The post was published on November 20 and also had some additional information about the event. The event is expected to be available on all platforms for all players.

Players Interests

The post on Twitter/X specifically stated that double XP will be given towards player and gun upgrades alongside the Battle Pass. This is great news for anyone looking to grind the Season 6 Battle Pass. If anyone hasn’t made progress on Modern Warfare 2’s Pass, now is the opportunity to make some progress before Season 1 for Modern Warfare 3 begins around early December.

Other Special Announcements

The developers from Sledgehammer Games also confirmed the return of another map from Modern Warfare 3 2011. Judging from the announcement, this one’s going to be a nostalgia-induced fan favorite as well. It is pretty easy to see that this is an attempt to create a sense of goodwill towards the studio as the sales for the game depend on the game’s reviews. That means pleasing the player base is necessary.

Regardless, the game still has the chance to improve its ratings and player experience. An ear to the community and the proper updates are what can help Modern Warfare 3 show its potential.

Make sure you check out our other articles on Call of Duty to stay updated about the game and its state.

Call of Duty: MW3 Starts Double XP Event
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