Best Supports in LoL Tier List Patch 14.17
| Tags: League of Legends
| Author Paul Goño
Ranking the best Supports in LoL 14.17 for your Ranked climb!
Teams heavily rely on the amount of map awareness, clutch saves and team sustain that Support players provide. At the same time, their powerful crowd control abilities can set up game-winning plays seen in and out of pro-play.
How well the botlane performs heavily influences each game. When you and your buddies get back into the competitive grind, you're going to want to maximize your win potential with the strongest bot comp in the season. Supports also don't have the largest committed champ pool in the game, so knowing which ones to go with during a change in the meta can be crucial to your ranked climb.
With that in mind, let's dive into the strongest lane partners in 14.17. Here's our guide on how to play the best support champs in LoL patch 14.17.
The Best Supports in LoL 14.17
- Tanky
- 3 different ways to stun opponents
- Huge threat range in laning phase
- Engage skills pass through minions
- Hard crowd-control
- No safe way to disengage
- Deep dives
- Falls off hard during a deficit
Leona Runes and Items
Leona's entire kit is built for committed engages that set up huge plays. Knowing that, the devs finally buffed the Radiant Dawn with more sustain on her W while upping the damage on her ultimate.
Leona was already A tier on our previous list, but the recent changes make her a must-pick in the current meta. Lock down ADCs in the early game and weather the storm with Grasp's and Tenacity's added sustain to give your lane partner a quick headstart.
- Perfect against dash champs
- Excellent anti-assassin support
- Adds survivability to squishies
- Fast leash
- Easily locked down
- Weak against poke comps
- Mobile champs can outplay her
Poppy Runes and Items
Poppy's anti-dash AOE gives this resilient Yordle will have a comfortable place in 14.17. Hard ADCs in the meta like Smolder have been dominating botlane for a while now. So having a support with a knock stun and shields will make a huge difference.
Leona is a stellar pick if you want a strong melee support in 14.17. Despite the nerfs on Warmog's, Dead Man's Plate has gone untouched in the patch notes, so it's a fine substitute. Eitherway, always opt for Locket when you can to give you team (and yourself) extra shields during a teamfight.
Do you imagine yourself roaming the entire map and taking a more active role in the fight? Check out our latest Best Jungler Champs guide here!
- Unlimited scaling with passive
- Late-game healing
- Huge AD damage with meta builds
- Good speed buffs/target removal
- Low mobility
- Weak against mobile champs
- Hard early game
Senna Runes and Items
While she received two AD ratio nerfs in the latest balance update, Senna stands as one of the best supports to learn in LoL right now.
Senna's change to the way her AD scales has impacted her whole build. Echoes of Helia
+ Moonstone doesn't seem to be the play anymore, so opt for the new and improved Black Cleaver for the extra stacks from her Q and enemy auto-attacks.
Run Bloodsong for the earlygame before building Black Cleaver and Rapidfire Cannon. Fans of the enchanter build might try the new Echoes instead of RFC, but mainlining AD seems like the best way to optimize the new Senna.
- Two forms of crowd-control
- Good poke damage in the early game
- Bubble can be lethal if enemy ADC is caught off-guard
- Main CC ability is hard to hit
- W heal falls off past the laning phase
Nami Runes and Items
Nami's stellar performance in the botlane has remained consistant going into 14.17. With that, recent nerfs have made her more versatile with who she supports.
Great heals in the early game, dependable CC and speed buffs makes the Vastaya a brilliant pick in any game mode. Her scaling seems to complement almost any ADC. But most of all, her performance with Dream Maker and Imperial Mandate lets you solo the lane.
Since we're leaning into her support game, play Nami with Dream Maker, Ionian boots and Echoes. The rest is very situational and depends on your team's needs. But so far, Nami is a dependable champ to climb the ranks with.
- Great peel/engage kit
- Bullies in lane
- High range
- Huge utility
- Squishy
- Low movement speed
- No hard crowd control unless enemy is slowed
Seraphine Runes and Items
Playing Seraphine on 14.17 gives you and your allies tons of versatility against ranged/marksmen botlane comps. That said, cooldown reduction and AP scaling should be the focus of her build. With that, Manaflow Band and Transcendence are great runes to give her Ability Haste and mana regen. On top of that, Relentless Hunter gives you more movement speed every time you assist in a kill, offsetting Seraphine's low mobility.
Onto items, Seraphine's playstyle meshes well with the way Spellthief works. You'll need all the mana you can get to consistently harass enemies in-lane early. Chemtech is a huge help if you need anti-heal, and Moonstone can be replaced with Shurelya's if you ever need to roam more efficiently. Finally, build either Ardent or Staff of Slowing Water based on your botlane match-up. Zhonya's is also an optiong against those pesky assassin champs, but you shouldn't need to build it 50% of the time.
Patch 14.17 LoL Support tier list
By its definition, Support champs protect their allies, increase map awareness and set up teamfights with valuable CC. Knowing that, you might see off-meta picks on the Rift every so often. We even include some in our list! So to make you more familiar, we've included the most popular champ picks this patch in our tier list below:
- S: The best supports in Patch 14.17
- A: Very powerful champions that are dependable in blind match-ups
- B: Strong supports in the right scenario
- C: Viable champions that require a strong level of experience
- F: The least optimized picks in the current meta