Alan Wake 2 Coffee World Stash Solution

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Alan Wake 2 Coffee World Stash Solution

Where is the Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash key? Each area you explore during Alan Wake 2 has secrets and mysteries to reveal. Watery's is certainly no exception. In fact, in this area, there are many Cult Stashes that you can unlock, such as the crossbow one. But that is not all. In this area, in fact, there is also the Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash, and that is what we will talk about in this article. If you are curious to know how to solve this stash and be able to continue with your adventure in Alan Wake 2, you are in the right place.

Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash key location

Again, what you will have to do is find a key. To do this, however, you must first know where to look. The Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash is located very close to the Huotari Well, that is, near the rock formation that is located just north of this place, so it is not very difficult to find, also because it is an area through which you will pass if you are headed towards the Espresso Express.

Now that you know where the Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash is located, it's time to know where its key is located. By reading the note located right above the container, you can learn that it is located “behind the smile”. But what is it? Don't worry; if you have no idea what it refers to, we'll tell you. The note refers to the smiling coffee pot, which is none other than the Coffee World mascot.

However, since you can see this mascot almost everywhere in this area, you may be a little confused. Don't be fooled and pay all your attention to the large coffee pot sculpture located near the gazebo. This, in fact, is exactly what we are looking for, since you will be able to notice a smile on it. At this point, what you will have to do is go up the stairs and literally look behind the sculpture; here you will find the Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash key.

Once you have the key you need to open the Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash, all you have to do is go back to the location where the container you want to open is located. Insert the key, and you will get a Hand Flare, Handgun Ammo, and Shotgun Ammo as rewards. These are certainly items that will be very useful to you during your adventure in Alan Wake 2, especially when you have to fight against its bosses.

Alan Wake 2 Coffee World stash

Alan Wake 2 Coffee World Stash Solution
Diana D'Estefano
Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her "career" with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly. She writes news, reviews, guides, and features about both AAA and indie games.