WoW SoD Tier List for Phase 3 – Dominate the Logs
| Tags: WoW News
| Author David Hollingsworth

Here is our WoW Classic SoD Tier List for PvE content for DPS, Healer, and Tank.
The humble tier list, where your validation for the spec you play is realized or you can come to find your new favorite class to play.
Update: Updated May 5th
WoW SoD Tier List
Below we'll break down our tier list for all three roles in SoD.
DPS Tier List
This is based on the best-case scenario. This list is focused on you but requires your class to be in the best possible situation. So for a Warrior or Paladin, you'll need Wild Strikes, etc. This also includes you having optimal pots, flasks, gear, consumables, etc. If you are not in the most optimal raid, then just vibe with whatever spec you like.
S Tier:
- Enhancement Shaman
- Hunter (Melee)
- Warrior
- Combat Rogue
A Tier:
- Assassination Rogue
- Mage (Fire)
- Warlock
- Retribution Paladin
- Feral Druid
- Balance Druid
- B Tier:
- Survival (Ranged)
- Mage (Arcane)
- Shadow Priest
- Elemental Shaman
C Tier:
Healer Tier List
Unlike the DPS list, the Healer list has a lot more to do with what your raid is missing. If your raid has no Paladin/Shaman on DPS or Tanking, then those two become more important as Healers etc. So, for this, we'll again assume your group is optimal in other areas and just focus on what the Healer brings.
S Tier:
- Priest
A Tier:
- Resto Druid
- Mage
- Holy Paladin
B Tier:
- Resto Shaman
Tank Tier List
The Tank spec is about two major things; your ability to hold threat and survive damage. After that, DPS is important, but we'll focus on how well you do the first two.
S Tier:
- Warrior
- Shaman
- Paladin
A Tier:
- Warlock
B Tier:
- Rogue
- Feral Druid

SoD Tier List DPS – A Closer Look
Frost looks like the weaker of the 3 specs, while Fire and Arcane remain the strongest. Fire continues to be the “end game” spec, with it continuing to scale well as we go later into the Phase.
Ret Paladin
Ret remains one of the strongest DPS in the game, a huge change from Ret Paladin back in Classic.
Shadow Priest
Shadow Priest is finally able to come into its own. As the level cap increases, Shadow finally has the chance to spec deep Shadow while also picking other key talents.
Warlock is a safe bet for SoD, and with the ability to Tank you gain a fun bonus attribute. Warlock will be a solid pick regardless, and the new changes look like they'll make Warlock one of the most popular classes.
Warrior has been solid throughout SoD, and while Blizzard are keen to not have them be top dog, they are always going to be a solid pick.
Hunter has been a top spec throughout SoD, and that continues. Though, it is important to note that melee and ranged Hunter are not equal, while melee is still ahead, range will likely catch up.
While Shaman will lose its Bloodlust and WIndfury exclusivity, it's an okay DPS spec. Melee Shaman has taken
Rogue remains strong as we go through the Phases, and it's unlikely to change. Rogue remains strong, with great Rune options and solid DPS.
Druid is always a solid option in WoW, especially if you don't know what role to fill. Feral remains viable due to “Windfury”, meaning almost every raid will have one.
SoD Tier List Healer – A Closer Look
Priest are still the most consistent healer, while they might lose out on HPS to Mage, their overall kit is so powerful and their ability to regain mana via Runes is unrivaled.
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid
Resto Druid are a very strong healer, and as we move into the later phases and 20-person raids, Druid will likely begin to shine.
Resto Shaman
Mage has proven so far to be one of, if not the best healers In Season of Discovery, and while their self-healing is an issue, in larger raid content that should be less of an issue.
SoD Tier List Tank – A Closer Look
Feral Druid
Sadly, Feral isn't looking so hot as we continue to go through the SoD Phases.