WoW Server Status For Classic And Shadowlands In EU, NA & OCE

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WoW Server Status For Classic And Shadowlands In EU, NA & OCE

Find out the WoW server status for Classic and Dragonflight in your region and what you can do to solve it.

It’s frustrating when WoW servers are down, regardless of if you play on Retail or  Classic. Server downtime can be frustrating, so with the handy links below, you’ll know what the situation is if your server is down. It's worth noting that with the launch of Dragonflight, the EU server reset was slightly amended, to bring it more in line with the daily reset to avoid a weird “grey area” where the daily reset had happened but the weekly reset had not happened yet.

European and American WoW Server Status

European Realm Status –

American and Oceanic Realm Status –

Check those links to check if your server is up and if not, check the steps below to help find better solutions.

Why are the WoW realms down?

One reason your realm might be down is the weekly maintenance. The retail and Classic US servers will be taken down between 7 AM PST and 8 AM PST each Tuesday morning. Over on the EU servers, they’ll go down at 5 AM GMT and 6 AM CEST (server time), with the rolling restarts normally taking between 10 and 15 minutes per realm. Blizzard will often update major changes on your Warcraft client, either retail, Classic TBC, or Classic Era.

Bear in mind this is drastically increased on patch releases as Blizzard needs to take down all the servers to apply changes. See the Twitter links below for your region to get up-to-date information.

What to do if the WoW servers are down

You have two options if the above showed your server as being down. Head over to the WoW support page here or head to the Blizzard community support Twitter pages for up-to-date information about WoW server status. These accounts are generally pretty quick to comment on any issues.

For EU Support Twitter and NA & Oceanic Support Twitter.

What to do if my server is up but I can’t join

As the last step, if the servers are claiming to be up, but you can not access the realms, then it might be best to head to the official forums. For the European forums head here, and for the American head here.

When is the WoW Server reset for EU and NA?

For EU and NA, the WoW servers are reset once per week for maintenance (Wednesday and Tuesday, respectively) and daily to reset any bugs in the server. You can use the site Wowset to check how long until your next reset.

WoW Server Status For Classic And Shadowlands In EU, NA & OCE
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.