WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Tank Tier List – Who’s the Best
| Tags: WoW News
| Author David Hollingsworth

WoW Dragonflight 10.2.5 Tank Tier List.
Patch 10.2.5 is here, which means it's time to take a look at that lovely Tank Tier List. Below, we'll look at all Tank specs and where they fit in for the current patch. We'll also provide some words at the end to explain the situation. Please don't be upset if your spec isn't S tier, make your own tier list and put it S yourself.
Dragonflight 10.2.5 Tank Rankings
Based on data from our 10.2 and will be updated during the patch.
Updated 14/1
S Tier:
A Tier:
- Protection Warrior
- Blood Death Knight
- Vengeance Demon Hunter
B Tier:
- Brewmaster Monk
- Protection Paladin
C Tier
- Guardian Druid
Dragonflight 10.2 Tank Ranking – a closer look
Tank changes
So, it's quite as balanced as it was in 10.1.5, but the tank situation overall is in a pretty good spot. Blood DK and Vengeance DH stand out as the leaders of the pack once again. Their high sustain and durability make them ideal for the new raid. DH especially got a rework in 10.2, and it looks to have had a massive impact on the spec overall.
Prot Paladin has fallen off slightly in 10.2, but nothing too dramatic. Brewmaster is good when it comes to damage, and while it has strong defensive cooldowns, it lacks overall survivability. Prot Warrior is always a safe pick, and it once again does a good job. Warrior is best used a single target tank once again, though the Battle Shout and Rallying Cry raid buff and raid CD are a massive bonus.
Guardian has been hurt the most in the patch overall. Sadly for raid Guardian Druids, it looks like the dominance in M+ has hurt the spec in raids, and while they do bring a nice raid buff you'll likely have another Druid already.
When all is said, all tanks are looking solid, and all of them are viable in their own way. The best bet is to work with your raid team and your other tank and just pick something they're not.