WoW Dragonflight 10.0.7 DPS Tier List For Raiding
| Tags: WoW News
| Author David Hollingsworth

A look at the Dragonflight 10.0.7 DPS Tier List as we prepare to head back into the raid for one last patch.
Patch 10.0 threw a major spanner in the works of every class in WoW. With changes to every single class via new talent trees, it certainly caused some volatility. 10.0.7 looks like a chance for Blizzard to reset the meta, with a number of buffs and changes to a number of classes. The most notable change comes to the Retribution Paladin, though, for now at least, that doesn't look like a positive change. It's early days, and we lack data, but it certainly looks like a meta-shake-up is about to happen. The most notable for now looks like it will be the two ranged Hunter specs, who have seen a huge upgrade to their DPS profile thanks to a nerf to the Raszegeth bow. Arcane Mage and Havoc DH also look like they'll be strong specs, though due to their lack of popularity, we might not see the best of the Arcane Mage at first.
Note: This tier list is based on data from raider.io and Warcraft Logs.
Updated after week 1 of raiding on 10.0.7.
Dragonflight 10.0.7 DPS tier list for Raiding
S Tier:
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Beast Mastery Hunter
- Marksmanship Hunter
A Tier:
- Arm Warrior
- Windwalker Monk
- Balance Druid
- Assassination Rogue
- Subtlety Rogue
- Unholy Death Knight
- Outlaw Rogue
- Devastation Evoker
- Shadow Priest
- Arcane Mage
- Affliction Warlock
- Destruction Warlock
- Demonology Warlock
B Tier:
- Survival Hunter
- Feral Druid
- Frost Death Knight
- Fire Mage
- Enhancement Shaman
- Fury Warrior
- Elemental Shaman
- Frost Mage
- Retribution Paladin
C Tier
10.0.7 DPS Tier List A closer look
Information here was taken prior to patch release unless stated
It looks like we might see the return of (ranged) Hunters in 10.0.7. With a massive nerf to the Bow from Raszagath, BM and MM has seen massive buffs to the rest of their rotation. As a result, those without the bow could see upwards of a 14% increase in DPS, according to the Hunter community. Even those with the bow will see a minor improvement in DPS overall. The only worry, however, is that once again, we'll a bottleneck in talent builds, pushing players into a specific build-
Update: So, Warlock has had a fun opening week of the patch. A few bugs here and there and Warlock is flying, with all three specs dominating the charts. Enjoy it while it lasts, or till 10.1, it's hard to know with Blizzard.
It looks like a level of harmony has been found for Warlocks for this patch. While they might not be the “S-Tier” spec everyone wants to be, we might be looking at some parity between the 3 specs. Obviously, in testing one will shine, and if 10.0 is anything to go by it'll be a patch that sees Demo Warlock take centre stage.
Havoc Demon Hunter:
Havoc is back, it seems, long live the Havoc. While not the hardest spec in the game, Havoc's charm comes in its visceral and easy-to-learn rotation. 10.0.7 is likely to shine a good light onto Havoc, as it looks to shine at the start of the patch, making it likely the best Melee DPS in the patch.
It looks like we might see the return of (ranged) Hunters in 10.0.7. With a massive nerf to the Bow from Raszagath, BM and MM has seen massive buffs to the rest of their rotation. As a result, those without the bow could see upwards of a 14% increase in DPS according to the Hunter community. Even those with the bow will see a minor improvement in DPS overall. The only worry, however, is that once again we'll a bottleneck in talent builds, pushing players into a specific build-
Arcane is the spec on top right now, though it's unlikely many people will take it to the max. A challenging spec to master, Arcane is worth the payoff. You just need to stick the landing.
Retribution Paladin:
Update: It doesn't look to be as bad as people first assumed. Ret had a strong opening week, so with a few targetted buffs, it should throve.
Well, it's going to be a funny old patch for Retribution Paladin. Maybe 10.1 will bring a rework V2 and everything will be saved. Honestly, it looks like a spec that just needed a little more testing and fine-tuning, we're sure it'll come good in time.