WoW: Best PvE Covenants For Each Class In Shadowlands
| Tags: WoW News
| Author David Hollingsworth
ESTNN's simple guide breaks down the best covenants for each classs to improve your Shadowlands experience.
Making the right covenant choice is important for those looking to achieve an extra 1% from their class. This guide will help you make that decision whether you want to raid or do some Mythic +.
You wouldn’t think picking between four covenants would be hard, yet somehow, WoW finds a way. Now, picking the best covenant is easy, in theory. Find the one that suits your style or does the most damage and stick with it. You just need to factor in nerfs/buffs, and the fact that changing covenant takes time. Oh, and don’t forget about how annoying it is to change back to a covenant you previously left.
For now, let’s not worry too much about all that, and keep this simple.
Best Covenant for each Class in Raids
All information based on Icy Veins and Wowhead experts, Class Discords, and BloodMallet data.
Blood DK can go any spec.
- Vengeance DH (NF close)
- Brewmaster Monk
- Prot Warrior (NF CLose)
- Mistweaver Monk (NF/Nec close)
- Holy Paladin
- Disc Priest
- Frost DK
- Survival Hunter
- Windwalker Monk
- Retribution Paladin
- Subtlety Rogue
- Enhancement Shaman
- BM/MM Hunter (NF close)
- Arcane Mage
Night Fae:
- Guardian Druid
- Resto Druid
- Holy Priest
- Havoc DH
- Feral Druid
- Arm Warrior
- Balance Druid
- Fire Mage
- Shadow Priest
- Warlock All spec
- Resto Shaman
- Unholy DK
- Assassination Rogue
- Outlaw Rogue
- Elemental Shaman
- Protection Paladin
- Fury Warrior
- Frost Mage
Best Covenant for each class in Mythic +
Blood DK, Shadow Priest, and Resto Shammy can go any.
- Vengeance DH
- Brewmaster Monk
- Prot Paladin
- Prot Warrior
- Mistweaveer Monk
- Holy Paladin
- Disc Priest
- Survival Hunter
- Windwalker Monk
- Ret Paladin
- Subtlety Rogue
- Enhancement Shaman
- BM/MM Hunter
- Arcane Mage
Night Fae:
- Guardian Druid
- Resto Druid
- Holy Priest
- Havoc DH
- Feral Druid
- Arms/Fury Warrior
- Balance Druid
- BM/MM Hunter (good second choice)
- Fire Mage
- Frost Mage
- Elemental Shaman
- All Warlock Specs
- Frost DK
- Assassination Rogue
- Outlaw Rogue
- Unholy DK
As always, this information is for the top % of people who care. Most people can get away with playing any covenant they like, as all are viable and what you enjoy playing is the most important.