WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release Date Confirmed

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WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release Date Confirmed

With WoW patch 10.2 release on the horizon, and with Blizzard's new release schedule in hand. It has us asking the question When Will WoW Dragonflight patch 10.2 Release?

Update: The patch will drop on November 7th

You can read our full speculation article as it was originally put live. And while we got it wrong by a week, we actually meant when Season 3 would launch so, actually, we did predict it correctly.

New content is always an exciting time in WoW, and 10.2 looks no different. With a new raid, new zone, a new 2-Handed legendary, new transmogs, new tier sets, fun events and much more on offer. It's safe to say the patch 10.2 release date is one people are waiting for.

The content is now on the PTR, with M+ and Raid testing already underway.

Dragonflight patch 10.2 release date roadmap

WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release?

Before we get too hard ahead of ourselves, it's worth noting Blizzard has not put a date on the 10.2 patch yet, officially at least. So, we're going to put some best guess based on what information we do have.

What do we know about WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release?

The patch will drop in 2023, and it will come in the fall (winter). So, that would place it between October and December (technically January as well, but we will see it in 2023).

With 10.1.7 out in early September, we can rule that month out already, which leaves us with October, November, and December.

WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release – the speculation

So, the PTR is out, and we know we won't get the patch in September. So, let's take a look at what we have to play with.

October – Blizzard has often looked at 7 to 9 weeks for the recent patches in WoW. Dragonflight dropped on November 28th 2022, with patch 10.1 released on May 2nd (in NA), which is just over five months between the two.

If Blizzard kept that up, we'd see 10.2 in late October, though it might be wise of Blizzard to give themselves a little more breathing room, considering 10.2 is the last content for 2023 (at least based on the roadmaps).

November – This is probably when we see the patch drop. As we mentioned above, Dragonflight dropped on November 28th last year, and it might be “cute” for Blizzard to drop a patch on the game's anniversary (and it would be a Tuesday, so it might work). The issue would be how close it lands to the holiday period.

The other issue in November is Blizzcon on November 3rd. As a result, we don't think Blizzard would drop a patch the week before or after the event (especially given WoW will likely see the reveal of the next expansion at the event). So that rules out October 31st and November 7th, in our opinion.

WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release date- what we think

*drum roll* for us, we're going to put our chips on November 14th. It gives BLizzard time after Blizzcon to digest the event and make sure they have staff on hand for a big patch release. It would also bring new players into the game on the hype for 11.0 (and probably 10.3 if we get one). It would also mean the raid, which will drop a week after on November 21st, giving people enough time to enjoy the content before a break for the holiday period.

This would also help with the Race to World First. , While Blizzard doesn't plan the game around, it no doubt caused issues last time Blizzard dropped a raid on top of a major holiday.

But, we could be wrong, and Blizzard drop it nice and early in October, especially given that the 10.1 raid has been mostly done for months now. My own guild has been on a break for nearly two months now, having cleared the raid.

Well, that's all our bases covered, but we're happy with our November 14th patch 10.2 release prediction.

WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Release Date Confirmed
David Hollingsworth
David has written for games media outlets for the last ten years. With his first major esports role being with Esports News UK covering mostly UK League of Legends. David is also a member of the British Esports Association and is an advisor to them on World of Warcraft Esports. More recently David has worked for Esports Insider and Red Bull as an esports journalist. David later became Editor at ESTNN and now leads the current team.