Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP Guide

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Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP Guide

Read this Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide to learn more about this guide and what you can use.

Are you looking for the perfect PVP guide to allow you to split-push your enemies and win games? If the answer is yes, this Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide will help you make the most while playing.

Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide

Before sharing any specific information about the guide, we’d like to point out it consists of the following units:

  • Bloodmage Thalnos
  • Defias Bandits
  • Whelp Eggs
  • Blizzard
  • Chain Lightning
  • Necromancer
  • Gargoyle

In terms of the average stats, it deals around 200 damage, 340 HP, and it costs around 3.1. Albeit a bit high, the start is definitely worth using because

Bloodmage Thalnos PVP Guide – The Idea

The idea behind this strategy is to have a deck that can react to a lot of different tools. The units will let you deal with pretty much anything while simultaneously punishing enemies that overextend. 

As you can see, the deck has a lot of AoE damage, meaning your goal will be to try and do most damage when your opponents are grouped together. Once that happens, your Gargoyles can be incredibly useful and help you push. Of course, your enemy will try to destroy the pesky unit, but your Chain Lightning and Blizzard should be able to help it.

Ideally, your goal should be for your opponent to push so you can deal with them and then counter-push to win the game. 

Warcraft Rumble PVP Guide – The Units

Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP Guide
via blizzard.com

When it comes down to the Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide, Thalnos is the main unit. He is a pretty solid leader who has a lot of AoE damage and is pretty long-range. Ideally, you should try to get that Bane talent because it is the best.

As mentioned, the Gargoyle is also a key unit here because the letter can push fast. This unit benefits a lot from the Wing Buffet.

Necromancer is also a key unit in this Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide because he is among the best when it comes down to counter-pushing.

Whelp Eggs are also here, which is no surprise because they have insane burst damage.

Defias may not seem good on paper, but they cost just 1 gold and they provide a lot for it.

Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP guide – Abilities

In terms of the abilities in this Warcraft Rumble guide, you can get Chain Lightning and Blizzard. Both AoE abilities are incredibly strong and deal insane damage. CL even has the Brilliant Flash ability that also stuns enemies for 1 second.

Warcraft Rumble Bloodmage Thalnos PVP Guide
Zlosterr has been a fan of esports for many years and mainly focuses on Dota 2. He has more than five years of experience writing Dota 2 content for numerous platforms. Besides being a passionate fan of the game, he's also played for various amateur teams.